In This Together

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   At one point in time, I can gurantee everyone hasReac felt alone. Whether it be in a room full of people, or all by yourself, everyone's had that moment where they felt completely and entirely alone. As if there's nobody there to look out for you or to go to when you need someone most. And sometimes, that feeling sticks for a lot longer than just a moment. 

   I'm here to let you know you're not alone; never have been, never will be. Someone, even a total stranger, cares about you in this huge world. Someone will always be there, waiting for a moment to step in when they know you need it most. This is my promise to you; I promise you'll always have someone there, even when you least expect it.

   This is my first challenge to you: 

   Let others know you care by posting #inthistogether on their message board or private messaging them. It can be friends, or total strangers. Reach out to the entirety of Wattpad, because you never know who could be close to giving up. Sometimes all it takes is one kind stranger to save someone. That could be you. 

   You could save a life just by letting someone know you care. 

   This is my second challenge to you: 

   Reach out from your comfort zone. Here's a writing challenge to try out: 

Day 1: Write a scene with a character based off yourself

Day 2: Write a scene where a character falls in love

Day 3: Write a scene where the character does something spontaneous; anything at all

Day 4: Write a scene based off an event in your life

Day 5: Write a scene where a character struggles with self harm, and someone steps in to help them through this hard time

Day 6: Write a scene where a character discovers themself

Day 7: Write a scene that takes place on a train

Day 8: Write a scene about a character who steps in to help a character that's being bullied

Day 9: Write a scene about self-actualization 

Day 10: Write a scene where a character has to let go of something importan; any person, place, or thing

Day 11: Write a scene that's in first person about anything at all

Day 12: Write a scene that's in third person about anything at all

Day 13: Write a scene where a character kisses a stranger spontaneously

Day 14: Write a scene that takes during the winter

Day 15: Write a scene that involves a family heirloom

Day 16: Write a scene that involves your favorite song

Day 17: Write a scene where a memory is triggered

Day 18: Write a scene where a character is angry

day 19: Write a scene where a character travels to your favorite place

Day 20: Write a scene where a character says your most favorite quote

Day 21: Write a scene where a character recites a poem for others

Day 22: Write a scene that takes place at a school dance

Day 23: Write a scene where a characters makes her first friend

Day 24: Write a scene where a character gets married

Day 25: Write a scene where a couple breaks up

Day 26: Write a scene that takes place during spring time

Day 27: Write a scene that takes place in the summer

Day 28: Write a scene that takes place in autumn

Day 29: Write a scene where a character speaks their mind

Day 30: Write a scene that takes place near a waterfall

Day 31: Write any scene you want

  All different types of alternatives can be used. You can skip days you don't want to do, then go back, or you can change the day altogether with (as said above) any type of alternative.

   I challenge you to bring everyone together so we all know we're not alone. Ever. #inthistogether

   I love you all to the moon and back. 

   - monty <3 x

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