The Bonding Chapter 1

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Stone from below

Light from above

Created by pain

Reflection of love

Kia stepped up to the precipice with her pledge sisters, two on one side of her and two on the other. Her heart beat faster, pounding with the love she had for these fems. Warmsun settled closer to the Forbidden Mountains at the edge of the world. Shadows flowed across the badlands like honey on a cold day. A chill shot through her. She'd spent a night, at the most two, in that rocky wilderness, but always in the company of her hearth mothers and other hunters. Now she would spend an entire mooncycle with only the help and protection of her soon-to-be bond sisters. Could she do it?

Huts large and small spread across the narrow valley behind her. The next time she saw this village, she and her sisters would be given a place to build their own home. Would it be near the center, where the elders lived? Or at the far edge where the warriors stood guard? Maybe her home would stand closer to the cultivated fields where their food was grown. It all depended on the success of her quest. Then the elders would decide. She quivered in anticipation. No matter the area, Kia knew that love would live within the walls.

Her five hearth mothers stood near the front of the crowd, the place of honor. Vee's blood mother cried tears of joy. Iva, Kia's blood mother, carried her father, Syr Trog. Armless and legless, as all mems in the world were born, Syr Trog enjoyed riding in the arms of all of his wives, but this was a special occasion and he'd chosen her mother. He smiled broadly and nodded to her. One day, soon, she hoped, Kia and her sisters would choose their husband and she prayed they would all share the honor of carrying him.

The drums stopped. Everyone in the village pressed close to watch the first bonding ceremony in two seasons. The fever had taken so many fems and even some mems, and now they had hope. Kia felt their energy. Maybe this would be the season of the prophesy.

Kia didn't give much thought to the old stories, not like the elders did. She never did understand what the bonding of fems had to do with finding some mystical jewel. And what did bonding have to do with leading Terians out of bondage when that jewel was found? The bond is what made them strong.

No, this season would be just like any other, except she would be forever united with the fems she loved. Kia took a quick breath. Forever. Today, five would become one. Forever. Her head spun. Why don't they hurry?

Three elderfems dressed in white, woven robes approached carrying their mems, the leaders of the village. Following the elders, Loresinger, the spiritual leader of the village, carried by his fem. His long red robe matched the one his elder-fem wore and it brushed the stones of the pathway making the spiritual leader actually look like he had legs and was walking. She thought it strange. Mems have no legs like fems. Why would Loresinger dress as if he walks?

The priest sang the song of the prophesy. Kia tried to listen, but grew impatient. We all know the story. Her face flushed. Such disrespectful thoughts could bring bad luck. But so would looking at Warmsun as he traveled across Veenah, or watching Moonlight slip behind clouds to hide from Terah. It was also bad luck to look at a mem, and she was doing that more and more these days. And I haven't had any bad luck. I killed my biggest stag today. There is no luck or omens, only skill – and love.

"Kia, daughter of Trog." The priest's mousy voice nearly made her jump.

"I am here," Kia stepped forward.

"You have asked the council to approve your bonding. Do your bond pledges enter this union willingly and with love?"

"Yes, Loresinger." It was mostly true. Certainly her best friend, Stix. She loved Stix with all her heart. And she loved Rok. But Rok loved no one and only consented to a bonding to keep from being cast out of the village because of her age and bad temper. Kia loved her hearth-sister Vee, but only because they grew up together. They mostly fought – about everything – except their plans to become bond sisters. And she loved Song, mostly because the tiny fem was beautiful – and because she was Vee's beloved. Song and Vee had asked to join in the bonding.

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