A Possible Partnership

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The slicer (forgot to mention, a slicer is a different form of a throwing star, mostly used when the challenge isn't as bad and you don't need a weapon as dramatic as a throwing star. I made this up as well.) flew straight into the figures arguing, cutting into the pole directly between them.

They turned their faces towards my direction and I ducked. This was too easy. I had used the oldest trick in the book. Distracting them was supposed to be the hardest part. By the time katana decided to check out the building where the slicer came from, I was already on the roof above their original spot. None of his minions saw me, which meant a perfect time for some answers. I got a little closer, in a closed shop behind them. With this view, I could pretty much see all their weapons, as they had pulled them out when the slicer hit. The one I hadn't seen before I saw happened to have nunchucks, which I found interesting. Also, with this closer look, they obviously weren't people..or....even human. I actually wasn't sure what they were. Giant animals of some sort. If not, then..I don't even know.

Katana reported an "all clear" motion to the rest, and they all sheathed their weapons. Perfect. I jumped out of the window and landed behind the katana, who was walking back from the building when I landed. He turned, and saw me as a threat. Pathetic. If anything, their the threat. These giant....whatever.

He squinted his eyes at me until his companion Sais over there decided it was time to say something, anything. "Okay, who are you and what do you think your doing?" I laughed in my head. Um, isn't that obvious? I'm a ninja and I'm trying to figure out why four freaks are roaming around outside where I live armed with weapons.

"My name is Alex, and I suppose I'm trying to figure out what YOU are doing here."

The reply was quick and short, but definitely had an effect on Sais. "Well, if you must stick your nose into our business, which apparently, you must," I smirked at this. This guy was obviously trying to sound cool, but it wasn't really working our for him, "it's not really any of your concern." Wow. I was expecting a little something more..but I guess that'll do. Katana (god, I need to figure out their names) gave a stern motion to Sais and then turned back to me. "Look, we can tell your.." Hesitation settled in. I raised an eyebrow, and he continued, "upset, and you seem pretty skilled, much like myself,"

Ha! Trust me, little boy blue, you have NO idea what I'm capable of. The lecture continued on (unfortunately), "but we can't just give out information to someone we don't know, especially someone as suspicious as you." I laughed, actually out loud this time. "How am I suspicious when your...well, whatever you are."

Sais was seemingly angry, but I guess Katana had it under control. Pfft. Show-off much? "For one thing, you haven't freaked out yet considering the fact that giant ninja turtles are wandering around New York." He said with a cautious smile. Ohhh so that's what they are. Turtles, huh? Out of every animal...

"Anyways," I came back to reality after hearing his voice once again (surprise, surprise), "you also have weapons..which could cause us problems. We don't want any trouble, and we certainly would not feel good about harming a young girl."

This was most definitely offending, considering the fact that I could woop their butts if I felt the need to, especially considering the fact that they are so pathetic it would be sad to lay a finger on 'em. "Look, I think it's my business to know what's going on in this city. I have connections that inform me of any trouble, and if they didn't tell me you were a threat, I have no reason to harm you."

Katana found this interesting. "Maybe we can work something out, like, a possible partnership. Let's get you back to your apartment first."


While walking home, I figured out their names. Katana was Leonardo (he told me to call him Leo, but who cares?), Sais with the attitude over there was Raphael, and the background accompaniments were Donatello and Michelangelo.

"So, you say a possible partnership? What exactly do you mean?" I turned to look at Leo. This definitely intrigued me, considering the fact that nobody I knew in this city had around the same amount of skill as I did.

He cleared his throat. "Well, we are both obviously in the same background of ninjutsu, so a partnership could be helpful. But you don't know the troubles that we DO know so that might be a problem."

I stopped, just as we were about to reach the steps of my apartment buildings' front doors. "Well, I know one thing." I turned to look at him and the rest of his group. "The foot clan attack every night at around 9:00 and attempt to tackle the sewers, which I'm guessing is where you all stay, because your turtles. Xever and Chris stay atop and I always have to trace them away."

I definitely had them speechless. This was my chance to continue, "the Kraang come out as well, mutating people and animals, but they leave soon after the foot do."

I began walking up the steps. Leo finally spoke up, "wait...how...how did you...?" Opening up to the building, I turned and stopped to look at them. "Like I said, I have connections." The doors slammed behind me, and I didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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