❤•|Chapter 5|•❤

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Allen had always taken comfort in things that were constant and definite. He always felt uneasy around change.

The night of February 2nd, Allen lost the one thing he could count on to be constant. The one person he could count on to always be fun, sassy, smart, and kind. He was devastated, and the worst part was: he never found out what truly happened. Her friends at the scene said she just collapsed, but Allen just didn't believe that. He couldn't force himself to accept that something so severe, so life changing, could just happen.

The doctors wanted to meet with the whole family today. They said they might have an explanation. Maybe Allen would finally get some answers he so desperately wanted. Needed.


"Your daughter has a very rare case of something called Branched Reality Syndrome. Only thirteen cases have been reported world wide, but I have never seen one this severe."

"Ok but what is this syndrome? What does it do? Does it have lasting affects? I mean..."

"Branched Reality Syndrome causes the subject to make something like a 'perfect world' in their mind while they are in a coma. When they wake up, that's all they can remember an it causes them traumatic stress and can have serious effects psychologically."

Carissa was trying to stay calm, but she was not sure how much longer she could hold a straight face. What Dr. Olen was saying was crazy! If the words he spoke were true, Ashley had created a "perfect world" with none of her real family in it.

"If its ok with you, we will keep her for another week or so to be under observation. She can help us make discoveries about this syndrome and help is cure it." Dr. Olen pulled out a piece of paper from a stack next to him. "Just sign here if you are ok with letting her stay."

All Carissa wanted was to have her baby home again; but she knew in her heart it was best for her to stay. They could take care of this problem better than she could.

"Ok." Carissa slowly extracted the paper from the doctor's hand. She found a pen, and signed.

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