A surprise visit.

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“I was thinking that instead of chocolate, we could use cookie dough” My best friend Lena mentioned. We were sitting in the bleachers of our school gymnasium along with the rest of our class.

“How about cookie dough and rocky road” I added. Lena scribbled the flavors down on her notebook.

Her eyes lit up. “How about the Mountain” She grinned. I gasped.

“Freaking yes!” I shouted. Lena nodded her head. She marked out the previous flavors on her list and wrote The Mountain beside them.

Lena lifted up her head and brushed stringy auburn hair back. “I hate my hair today” She muttered. Her eyes were transfixed with the list.

“Now on to the music” Lena said. She clicked the mechanical pencil at least ten times before writing on the paper. “I leaned my head to see what she was writing, but what good would that does me considering her handwriting is horrifying.

“I hate this part” I groaned. Lena laughed.


“It must be done” She reminded me. She tapped my nose with her pencil. “So I talked to Jason and he said he would be more than happy to DJ for the cost of twenty dollars”.

I scoffed. “Twenty dollars! I can barely afford you!”

“You’re not paying me anything” Lena argued.

“Exactly” I said. “Tell him ten dollars, and umm, he can get a corner piece”. Lena nodded her head and scribbled that down on to the paper as well.

A loud squeal came from the speakers. I could feel my ears bleeding. It dimmed down and half the student body lowered their hands away from their ears.

“May I have your attention, please” Our principal wailed into the microphone. “It is great to see such a unique and energetic student body/”.

“He means abnormal and created mass chaos” I whispered to Lena. Lena nudged me in side.

“Ow” I muttered.

We turned our attention back towards the principal. Sweat was dripping down his face, and he stuttered most of his words. “I hope we can make this school year the most supery terrificall one ever”. I didn’t know whether to stare awkwardly at him as Lena or laugh till my sides would hurt.

“As you youth would say” The principal added.

“Is he being serious?” A squeaky voice whispered from above my head. I tilted to my head to see Ron. I nodded my head.

“Yeah” I told him. His eyes widened and his mouth fell all the way down.

Lena spun around in her seat. “Ron, close your mouth or you’ll catch flies” But the poor boy wouldn’t listen to her.

“Ron” I said in a sing-song voice. “A fly just flew into your mouth and” I pretended to gag though the thought really did make me gag. “Oh! Gross!! It’s sitting on your tongue”.

Ron lightly kicked my back. “Ha, ha, very funny. I’m not falling for that one, again”.

Mrs. Bleak, our English teacher, shot the three of us her dreaded daggers. I sheepishly turned back around in my seat to face the principal.


Our principal finished up whatever he was talking about and proceeded to walk away from his podium. I honestly did not know what to think. Before I knew it, we were all being ushered to get out of the bleachers and out of the school. Ron moved down on row and planted himself right between me and Lena.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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