Chapter 1....Intro

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Chapter 1

He was the last thing I saw before I died. I'll never forget his face. He was a monster.  This isn’t one of those stories where everyone lives happily ever after because not everyone has a happy ending. No one rides off in the sunset with a prince and sometimes just sometimes the bad people win. Sometimes their isn’t justice and the bad people get away with doing something wrong and don’t even have to pay for what they did. Some of those people don’t even feel regret for it. “He” didn’t.

Let’s start from the beginning. Then you’ll know what happened to me, and how I died.



“Catalina! Get up!” yelled Maria. That’s me, Catalina.

 I’m seventeen years old and today was my first day back to school.  


I was the youngest. I have two older brothers and one older sister. My Brother Jarred is twenty three. He had black hair so short he was almost bald. I used to beg him to grow his hair out, it always looked better that way but he refused. He was always stubborn that way. After I died he started to grow it out I guess he want to honor my last wish. He graduated that year from Harvard and was gonna getting married in June to his long time girlfriend Liz. Liz's parents went to High School with our parents. so Jarred and Liz grew up together. Liz was always the nerdy type in school. She was tall, and slinder with soft long reddish brown hair. i always loved her hair it was the perfect mix between brown and red. She also is going to harvard to be a doctor. As i'm writing this now she has already graduated and is about to have their first child. I so wish i could be there for them but i can't. not now any way.


Then there's Phil who was twenty one at the time. He was tall and really thin. He had brown hair that went down to his shoulders. He also was in collage but he went to NYU. we didn't get to see Phil much but i was glad he went to New York. It was better for him Because there he could make something of himself. He's a film Producer now. I was glad he accomplished his goal.


OK, Last but not least my sister Maria who is twenty five. She looked a lot like me, or i guess i looked like her. She had short dark brown hair with bright blue eyes.She had just got out of collage then but didn't have enough money to get a place and couldn't get a good job, so my mom let her stay at the house. She went to the U of I. she is the oldest in the family and graduated two years before i died. 


 Our house was Beautiful. It had been in our family for generations. It was a large three story house . It was white with dark green shutters. I loved it. The whole top floor was mine after my brother Phil moved out. The house had a rose vines all up one side of the house, climbing up it like a snake slithering along the ground. They went all the way to my bed room window. I used to cut the roses and put them on my dresser. They were my favorite flower. My Grandma had left the house to my dad when she died. I didn't really know her. She died three years before i was born but my mom says i would have loved her.

"You would be two peas in a pod." she would say.


The house sat on three acres of land with a big white barn we converted into a guest house. It was like a smaller version of the house. I even planted a rose vine. We had just fixed it up that summer. Little did i know that would be the last summer i ever had with my family.


“ I said get up!” Maria yelled as she ripped the covers off of me.




“I’m up!” I screamed.

“You’re going to miss your bus! So get dressed!” she yelled as she walked out of my room and slammed the door.


I sleepily got out of bed and went to my closet. My closet was one of those big walk in ones. I had the biggest room in the house. I loved my room. It had a king sized bed with a brown and bight blue comforter, a bed side table, a window seat, and a flat screen in it. I loved the theme of it. My room was covered in blue and brown roses and always smelled like apple pie. I always made sure I had a candle in my room at all times I hated the stale smell my room gives off if I don't have on in there. The only reason my family could even afford the house was because of the family business. My family owned Sally's diner. It was always busy considering it was the only diner in town.

"Hurry up!” Maria yelled from up the stairs.


“I’m coming! “I yelled back. Even though I was still wearing my fuzzy tweety bird pajamas I got for Christmas the year before. I hurriedly put on my favorite dark blue skinny jeans with rips all up the sides and a hot pink tank top with my black leather jacket. I put on my pink convers before doing my make-up. Finally I brushed through my hair. I always hated my hair. It's long black and straight. While the rest of my family has curly brown hair. Except my brothers Phil and Jarred. Phil had curly black hair and Jarred had straight blonde hair. I hated my looks when I was little, it made me feel different. I always hated feeling different. I was pale with bright blue eyes and my family had a tan all year long it wasn’t a very dark tan but still a dark one compared to me. They also all have brown eyes.


“Come on!” Maria yelled.


“Coming!” I yelled as I grabbed my book bag and ran down stairs. I got down stairs just in time to see my bus pull up so I ran to the bus. I got their right as she was about to close the door. When I got on the bus everyone stared at me like I was a freak. Probably because I was the only senior who still rode the bus. I sat down near the back by myself. Just as the bus was about to leave when some guy got on the us. Every girl and I do mean every girl stopped and stared. I couldn’t get a good look at the guy because of all the other girls’ heads in the way of the aisle and above the seats, so I just gave up.


“Be at the bus stop on time tomorrow.” The bus driver yelled over the girls not so quite whispers about the boy.


“Whatever.” He said.


 I leaned my head on the window of the bus to feel the cool glass on my head as I felt a dip in the seat. I turned around and saw the guy who just walked on the bus sit in the seat with me. He had messily styled black hair that came to just at his ears. Kind of the bed head look. He had amazingly green eyes and a perfect face not a flaw. He was wearing a tight white V-neck tee-shirt under a loose black leather jacket, Plus a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue pair of vans on.


“What?” he said angrily.


“Nothing.” I replied embarrassed that I had been caught staring. He didn’t say anything else and neither did I but there was defiantly something weird about that guy. He just had something about him. It was the type of vibe that made you want to run.



so, What do u think it's a little slow now but i have big plans for it. commet........idk if i want to finish so tell me what u think





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