Chapter 17 : Stupid decision

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Hey guys!

So today, double sized chapter! There's no other reason than: I once again got carried away haha ;) And I absolutely wanted to write that last scene even if the chapter's number of words was already higher than usual before I even started writing the scene :p

On that thought, I hope you'll like it! :D

Lily xx

It's only when Levy was far away from them that Gajeel felt a weight off of his shoulders. Then the sentence she had whispered to him came back to his mind: "Please stay strong. Stay alive for my sake". And he was planning to do so. Filled with a new wave of energy, he ran to his opponent, ready to put him out of commission as soon as possible. Just as he did a couple of weeks earlier during Totomaru's first attack, in a now one against one battle, he quickly had the upper hand. However, despite the beating Totomaru was getting, the assassin still had on his face that satisfied grin. "That bastard's hiding something", thought Gajeel suspicious. When he gave the final blow to his opponent's head, making him lose consciousness, the young man understood why. Hand clapping behind his back instantly made him want to hit something... preferably the one applauding in such an annoying way.

"What a great demonstration of your strength Redfox" said maliciously the man. "It almost makes me feel sorry for having to eliminate you".

"Jose" growled Gajeel between his teeth, recognising him.

"Captain Jose" corrected Phantom's leader.

"Not for me" retorted Gajeel. "You could as well be a rooky, to me your only an obstacle on my way that I'm ready to dispose of".

"And with who's help Redfox?" He snickered.

Gajeel saw at least 5 silhouettes walking out of the forest. And that without counting that Jose was on his own a formidable adversary. He tightened his fists. Despite what he said, he knew very well that his chances of surviving that attack were thin.

Then he attacked him. Everything went so fast that Gajeel only listened to his instincts. He felt some bone breaking under one of his hits, heard the thud made by an opponent collapsing on the ground. Most of them weren't half as good as Gajeel, but being outnumbered was starting to be too much of an handicap. Despite his efforts to dodge the numerous attacks, one hit reached his temple. The young man instantly was filled with dizziness. Not enough to make him lose consciousness, but enough to reduce to nothing his hopes of dodging the next assault. Soon enough, he was immobilised by the two remaining men, Jose standing right before him displaying a triumphant look. Then he rose his eyes, curious, noticing the letter that could be partially seen out of his pocket, subtilizing it wile Gajeel couldn't move. He then burst into laughter reading the content, throwing the pieces of the letter he just ripped in his face.

"I knew you and Lockser were imbeciles not having suspected anything in eighteen years but that... you just pushed your credulity even further than I could have imagined".

"Your done talking nonsense?" Barked Gajeel out of patience. "What's your freaking problem with Levy? And why the hell did Phantom haven't already kicked August's ass if you know about him?"

"Why would I dethrone the one I myself put in power?" Answered Jose with a cruel smile.

Gajeel's eyes widened by the surprise of the news.


"You never found suspicious that all of the most devoted members of Phantom as well as the former leader all perished in one single mission? August wanted an access to the throne and I wanted control over the kingdom."

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