Red Evil devils aka tomatoes

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Now this may just be me but I HATE TOMATOES! 

I am actually terrified of them because of so many things wrong with them. It's the colour, the smells, the texture and the taste of them all and here is the problem with them.

1. I'm scared they're going to come alive and take revenge on me for disliking their it just me?


I watched her sleeping in bed, today i shall take me revenge. How dare she hate our taste yet she likes tomato ketchup? WHAT IS ALL THAT ABOUT? I raise my slick red hand with a sharp seed in hand and whispered her name. 

She opens her eyes, suddenly she cries and I drop my hands are now read or two resons.


I do try tomatoes every now an again to see if my taste buds have changed but no every year they seem to get worse, and it's not like you can simply drink something and the taste goes away, oh no the taste must stay with you indefinately. It makes everything else taste awful as well, i once bit into a tomato spat it out then tried to drink tea...big mistake. I was gagging for half an hour

2. The colour. WHY CAN'T THEY MAKE UP THEY'RE MIND WHAT COLOUR THEY ARE GOING TO BE?! I mean are they red tomatos, are they orange tomatoes, or green? It's like blooming peppers, that's it they're just trying to coppy peppers...EVEN THE STALKS a bit! Honestly, just be one colour, i find it annoying when apples do it but it's more annoying when tomatoes do it because they're similar colours but they aren't the same.

3. Why do they have clothes? Those little hats on their head are meant to look adorable but they're terrifying. How many good people wear hats like that, other than Peter Pan and loads of others but shhh they're evil.

I don't hate everything related to tomatoes, in fact tomato soup is the only soup i actually like and tomato ketchup is my life, i just hate them.

My english teacher brought them into class and i screamed, i felt like crying. Now he and my friends  want to know what would happen if i was encircled by them...i would probably rock back and forth crying and go insane...r


SO a little more inside into my crazy crazy mind, i think i get it from my sister (She's scared of kiwis...the fruit)

tell me what you think about tomatoes

Do you have something like this that you hate so much?




Ban tomatoes from the world

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