Chapter 3

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    "Alright class!" Mr. Rigny shouted over the drone of student voices. "Today we will be starting to work on our speeches for the public speaking contest." 

    He tried to continue, but the moans and complaints rose to a high volume. Everyone hated public speaking. It was easier before, when the kids could just talk about their dogs, but as the students got older, the teachers had started asking them to talk about 'real issues'. Some students just didn't care about anything outside of hunting or playing basketball, and others just didn't know what topics would please the teacher.

    Mr. Rigny waited with mock patience before continuing. "As you must be used to by now, I would like the topic to address an issue that faces today's society. It can be poverty, child labour, abusive relationships, anything. The topic should be something you want changed."

    At this, Jai frowned. There wasn't anything he really wanted to change. Sure, he'd like to fix his problems at home, but he couldn't write a speech about that. Yes, he would love it if slavery was completely abolished, but that didn't seem like that would ever happen.

    Violet, a dark blond curly haired  girl who was always raising her hand, asked a question. "What if it's something that we can't change?"

    "I think you misheard me." replied the teacher. "I want your speech to be about something you want changed. The point of public speaking is to get a message across. A lot can change when people work together. Your speech should make people want to fix the problem that you present to them. Make them care."

    Jai looked around. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he could see the wheels turning in some of his classmates' heads.

Jai's friend Chris Hamlet was happily expressing his idea to Ayaka who was wearing a smile-frown that only she could wear. Violet was already scribbling away in her notebook.

    What could he do? While he could take one of the ideas that the teacher gave, it might seem as though he didn't care about his topic. He also wanted the topic to connect with his classmates. Yes, they cared about starving kids in Africa, but there wasn't much they could do to fix that problem. They could donate, but as everyone knows, most grade nines don't have jobs, so when they get money, it's usually spent on themselves.

    Jai's mind started to wander again. The things that affected him probably didn't affect his classmates. He found it awful that there was animal abuse in the community, but was sure kids like Bently didn't give a crap. He was one of the people rumoured to be drowning kittens. That topic was just painting a verbal bully bulls-eye on Jai's chest. Nope, that idea was out.

    He sat and listened to the other's ideas. Chris was going to present a speech on the good effects of video games. 

    "Ha! Good luck passing with that speech!" Violet called across the room.

    "And what are you doing your speech on?" Chris retorted. "Ponies and fairies?"

    "If you must know, it's going to be about the effects of global warming on animals that are close to us, such as ducks!" She replied with a haughty air. Chris started to laugh. Violet turned away with a deliberate swish and continued scribbling.

    Chris switched to Jai. "What are you doing?" He inquired, the expression on his face so different than the one he wore while bickering with Violet.

    "I don't know yet. I'll think of something." Jai switched the focus to Ayaka. "What is your topic?"

    Ayaka gave an almost grim smile. "I'm not really sure yet. I do have an idea..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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