Murder By Your Hand

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Load the gun, take aim,

Pose to shoot, you win the game.

Teeth locked, fangs on show,

Cards on tables, the money's owe.

Bang, bang, dead in two,

Porcelain face, same old view.

Load the gun, count to three,

Keep steady, that's the key.

Crimson marks, patterned walls,

Seems odd, the drying blood falls.

Knock, knock, shutting doors sigh,

It's what kills, the dirty little lie.

Load the gun, you're ready now,

Stop eye-gazing, don't think how.

This is the easy part, why no play,

Shootings ok, you can even pray.

Tick, Tock, the clocks moved on,

Why no bow, you certainly won.

Load the gun, turn it around,

The cops' coming, you're found.

Three deaths, none by your hand,

You caused then, relaxed in sand.

Drip, drip, this is what I measure,

A debt, a lie, and a bit of pressure.

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