A Glimce from the past (Aubrey's Story)

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I was in my house reading a story called any body's daughter on my tablet when the sound of my loud ass friends voices filled my ears

"Aubrey get ya as up"my friend Jessica yelled busting in my room

"how did yall asses get in my damn house"I said as my eyes left my tablet

"ugh we got the spare house key"my friend Samantha said as she waved the key in the air

"remind me to get that back,but why is you guys hear" I turned my tablet off "because we want you to get out the house it is 6:54 on a Saturday and your at home reading"

"so what that's what I like to do"i surged my shoulders at the idea of me leaving the house its just not the day im not in the mood

"come on A lets go to the mall I will buy you a outfit and a pare of shoes"Sam cooed waving her credit card "fine lets go"i gave in as I got out of my bed

"hold the hell up ,your not walking in no mall looking like that"Jessica said as she stopped me from putting my uggs on i had on a white T-shirt and Grey sweats with my bonnet on my head

"its nothing wrong with what I got on ,you act like im going some were important "I said as I rolled my eyes "girl ya future husband could be there "Sam said sitting on my dresser

"I don't give a damn ,pulse all guys do is dog you fuck them"I said as I started to past back and forth"all guys are not like Tony and you don't need him its always someone who can do what he couldn't "Jessica said looking through my closet

"you know what your right i am gonna go"I said grabbing my towel before walking in the bathroom that's connected to my room

when I got in there I handled my hygiene and washed my hair as soon as my long black hair hit the warm water it curled up when I walked out the bathroom Jessica already had my clothes laid out for me

I put on a white T-shirt, blue ripped jeans,a pair of Jordan's,eyeliner, mascara and a nude lipstick

after I got dressed I flatironed my long black hair and put a part in the middle

"see don't you feel better"Sam asked while combing my hair"yeah I do"I smiled in the mirror satisfied with what I saw I grabbed my keys, phone and some pocket money just in case

"who car we taking"I asked while locking the front door behind me"mine"Jessica said while running to her black Range Rover

I got in the passenger side as Sam got in the back once we was all sated Jessica pulled off as she was driving I turned on the radio and Chris brown's sex you back to sleep the remix was on I immediately tuned the radio off

"why you do that,that was my shit"Jessica said while looking at me before tuning her attention back to the road"because" i responded as I got on my phone"ohh I know why"Sam said putting her head between the two front seats "why"Jessica said still looking at the road"she still mad that Chris left with out saying goodbye" Sam said elbowing me "that's not why I tuned it off" I rolled my eyes "than why"Jessica said stopping at the red light before looking at me "because I don't like that song and if you must know ,why would I be mad about something that happen 9years ago its not like we dated"I said in such anger"or are you mad that Chris left and you did not get to tell him how you felt about him"Jessica said as she started to drive

I rolled my eyes and continued to pay my attention to my phone ,we soon pulled up at the mall we all got out and made our way into the building

"so were yall wanna go first"Sam asked as we continued to walk "lets go to Victoria secret"Jessica asked ,we all agreed and made our way into the store

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