Don't Be Stupid.

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Really? Reallllly? It shouldn't be that big of a fucking deal. All I did was ask really nicely if I could go with my best friend to a football game and you fucking flipped out, accusing me of shit, insulting my BEST friend, and then yelling at me for "attitude". You yell at me. My defense is to either yell back or punch. Don't accuse me of having shit friends or doing the "wrong" things or living life the "wrong" way. Don't accuse my BEST friend of being a liar when you don't fucking know her. Then don't get all pissy at me for being pissed the fuck off at you. Don't follow me up the stairs to my room when I'm mad and crying. Don't try to fucking call me out for trying to hide the fact I'm crying.By saying, "Don't go hide up in your room," makes me feel like a fucking failure and idiot for crying. I'm not fucking HIDING up here.  I'm getting away from you. Don't make a joke out of my amger with your husband. Don't keep talking about the same shit that pissed me off in the first place if I'm trying to change the subject. It's fucking stupid. You wanted to fight and yell because of stuff that's not my fault. Don't yell at me for shit that I had nothing to do. Don't act like nothing happened five minutes later. I lock myself in the bathroom so you can't be in there and you act like nothing happened. What-the fuck-ever. Also, one more don't. Don't come after me when I leave this fucking place. I'll come back if I want.




Sorry. I needed to rant and now It's out there. Sorry for the language.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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