A Lullaby For Memphis

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  • Dedicated to For All You Memphians Out There

I can walk on the side of the street

with the neon angels and the brothers of blues,

where the river runs 2,000 miles through my veins.

 I can throw back my head and sing to the stars

 that shine on all of us alike down here.

Down here where the immortal king reins with a ringed, iron fist,

and the music is a life force pulsing through the people.

Down here where I can find solace in a breeze rushing through my hair,

 filled with the whispers of a city founded on the sweet, rocking rhythm of the blues.

This is our city.

Our own Greater Memphis, the child of exploration and history.

A beautiful child with a smiling face, and sticky fingers covered in Barbeque,

swaying to a beat shaking the river to its bed.

This is Memphis, where the sun sings at Marshal and Union,

and sets on the ever-stretching horizon of the Mississippi.

These are the people, proud of their roots, branching out across the world.

 I am from Memphis, standing on a bridge under an open sky,

breaking in my lungs with that hot, humid air.

I breathe in deeply and I am home.

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