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Thank you soooo much  


 for the amazing cover.!!<3 And to all my fans and readers... I appreciate everything(;

           She slammed her glass down on the sticky granite table--- again. I sighed and poured her another glass. She lifted it to her lips, smiling mischievously. I knitted my eyebrows together, watching her drain the shot. In no time at all, the shot glass was slammed down again. With no complaint, I poured her another glass, filling it all the way to the top.

            Her lipsticked mouth wrapped around the wineglass, spilling only a little bit onto the countertop. Hurriedly, I wiped up the mess. She chugged her drink down. Nervously, I emptied the last drops from the bottle into her glass. I gently set the empty bottle onto the counter.

            Oh no, here it comes…  I jumped off the stool, springing to my feet, sprinted away from the high bar, and threw my body up the stairs. I heard her glass shatter into a million sharp fragments as she threw it at the wall, and I flinched when the loud sound was followed by an even more obnoxious crash. My feet hit the last step with a soft thud. Quickening my pace, I darted to my sister’s room.

            Without stopping to catch my breath, not daring to waste even a second, I threw her door open. Her eyes bugged out, nearly running from her sockets to get away from my piercing anxiety. Panting, I slammed the door behind me, making sure that it was safely locked.

            “Jack Daniels,” I huffed. “A whole friggin’ case.” Kinley’s face went pale, becoming whiter than the mounds of snow covering our lawn. She began to tremble, pulling her knees up to her chest while rocking back and forth. I cautiously climbed onto her bed, careful as to not make any noise, and draped my thin arms around her narrow shoulders.

            I pulled her thin body closer to mine, hugging her tightly as if she’s a cute little puppy meant for cuddling. “It’ll be all right,” I assured her. It felt a little like I was telling myself more than her, but she got the message. Kinley started to sob, breathing rapidly as mom stomped up the stairs. They creaked in complaint beneath her heavy body.

            Before mom reached the top, I silently flicked the lights off. Just as I was climbing back into bed with Kinley, my adorable little puppy, mom threw herself into the door, using every ounce of her weight. And believe me, that’s a lot. Kinley gasped, not even bothering to muffle the sound with her clammy hands. We both knew we were doomed when the door collapsed, falling to the ground.

            Our mother stood exactly where the door had once been, glaring at us with blood red eyes. Me and Kinley released our screams, wordlessly praying that we’d make it out alive.

            I crossed my fingers, intertwining them with my terrified sisters, and whispered, “I love you Kinley.”

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