[seventeen - revealing & talking]

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Ethan appears in front of the car, startling Grayson and I both. I look to Grayson, almost as if I am asking him what to do, but he simply shrugs. I think he's just as clueless as I am.

Ethan stomps over to his own car, which is across the small parking lot of the graveyard, and climbs into it, immediately driving off. I hear Grayson sigh.

It is silent in the car again for a few moments.

"I'm so worried about him, Jessica." Grayson confesses.

Normally, when I look at Grayson, he provides some sort of comfort with his kind eyes and usual warm smile. But when I glance over to him now, all I see is his concerned expression and furrowed brows. It's discomforting.

"He's my brother, my only brother, and I love the kid, but I try so hard with him and he remains the same. Careless, destructive, and just... cold."

My heart breaks for Grayson. I can't imagine having to witness your brother bring so much trouble upon himself, but not be able to help or do anything about it at all.

Because despite Grayson's efforts, Ethan remains the same and refuses to change his ways.

Maybe one day he'll realize.

"We just have to keep trying and hopefully one day, he'll come through." I force a smile at Grayson.


The drive back from the graveyard has me feeling anxious and scared for whatever is to come next with Ethan and I.

I asked Grayson if I could go back to his house with him, so we both could see if Ethan arrived home or not. If he did, I know that I need to talk to him about everything.

Plus, the longer I can stay away from home, the better. I am afraid of what my mother will say and how she will react once she figures out I skipped school today.

My heart drops into my stomach once we finally pull into Grayson's driveway. I take a deep breath as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Oh, Grayson,"

"Yeah?" He looks over to me.

"Although it wasn't under ideal circumstances, thanks for skipping school with me for my first time today. It was fun, in a twisted way." I laugh lightly, and am relieved when Grayson does the same.

"I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. Thank you for being my best friend here, and for helping with Ethan. It means more than you will ever know."

Grayson never fails to make me feel better about anything. I truly am lucky to know him and be friends with him. I can't help but wonder how easier things would be if Ethan was just like his brother.

Grayson and I walk up to his front door together, and somehow I feel better when Anne greets us as soon as we enter the house.

"Hey guys," She says in-between hugging Grayson and I.

"Is he here?" Grayson doesn't hesitate to ask.

"Yeah. He didn't say a word, though. He just barged straight into his room. I gave up trying to talk to him."

"I'm sorry, mom."

"Oh, it's not your fault, dear. Where did you guys find him?"

"He was, um, at the mall. He was just walking around." Grayson lies.

I assume he is lying to protect Anne and to stop her from worrying.

"Really? Was he alone?"

"Yeah." Grayson breaks eye contact with his mother, looking off at the ground.

Rough Heart | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now