Friends forever

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Don't Let Them

Look into my eyes

Tell me that you don't love me

Tell me that I'm not your true friend

Than I'll try to let you go

You can't deny our friendship

You can't deny our love

Even of its friendly love

Don't let them take it away

You are my friend and always will be

This is not a debate

I will suffer your pain with you

And we will laugh together too

Don't let them take our love away

Because you only love with true friends

Don't cry by yourself

Cry on my shoulder

Because even though it's a love of friendship

It's still a love strong and true

Cry on my shoulder, talk to me

I'll always ways be there, always your friend

Because were soul sisters

Closer than friends

Closer than anyone could ever be

Soul Sisters For Eternity

Our friendship NEVER ends


This poem is dedicated to a lot of people. They know exactly who they are

-Taylor B.

(Getting serious up in here)

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