(more like episodes) 1-Power Gap Undertakening

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Her dad said they should use her powers at Earth 2. She agreed wanting to become the Flash some more.  She was already Ciscoing it up thinking of names to go with her costume. Zoom may have been stopped but there was still a sea of meta humans to deal with and like without the Flash had done without Zoom it would be a Free fall attacking fresh meat. Every earth needed someone with Flash like powers. 

Star Labs Particle Accelerator (Fully Functioning)

There was no breach room so in the morning they did it in the particle accelerator Barry added their speeds together he did this on the supergirl earth(now on the CW!) while carrying Harry. Barry said to give him a call for more speedster tips glancing at Eobard. She did not trust the man a leopard doesn't change his spots but he did a lot of good. Harry and her told Barry to be on his guard.

Diving into the speed hallway between Earths felt like drinking too much alchol she never drank any though. She felt a immense pressure of the hall way twisting and turning. She balanced Harry and ran one foot in front of the other.  Mustering all the speed force she can in one burst to get much velocity.  She saw various foreign images supergirl, Lucifer (connected by Constantine), Grodd growling menacingly......  Events yet to happen.  Then a pop and a crash in their breach room.

The velocity got them home but they couldn't stop so she angled them to as much cushion as she could stuff scattered everywhere. Harry threw up from all the speed he absorbed.  Jessie felt the speed force in her like earth one Zolomon's gun flicker. She had a hangover. Feeling her body wanting to throw up. The normal part of her. Her ears popped like they had just took a plane. 

(I'm Jessie Quick Wells. But Harrison Wells of Earth 2 her father always calls her quick. I gained powers out of a web of events. Now she will use them to give her and her city hope.....

Jessie Quick!)

She stopped the comic book version of the Royal Flush Gang attacking a bank. She gained the name Trajectory. Because she was so quick like a bullet.  Zoom nuked the world. But the worst was centered at Central City it seems while they were on Earth 1 twice. They were focused on helping Jay Garrick to Earth 3 he called it. 

After we got him to earth 3.  I always wondered if the Barry Wave changed me.  Harry refused desperately. But I always had my suspicions. 

We grabbed Earth 2 Barry and Iris from Atlantis. Giving them the all clear. It's been a few weeks of peace setting up our own team flash. Taking down baddies. A guy with a mirror gun. What is it with flash villains with guns lol? Setting up myself as the hero Trajectory with my dad's help. Setting up Star Labs Trajectory Foundation. Still had my own demons with the speedster demon himself. The months he had my kidnapped holding me hostage while my dad steals Barry's powers.  The trajectory masked helped vent the pain away but the knife was still there. 

Barry's ping system went off in the ping room.  It turned out to be a version of the female rogues created out of the fear of Zoom. Led by a lady named Lady Cold. Particularly not friendly if you are a speedster.  The city still wasn't over Zoom but it was good to see good blooming.

Barry said she was Lisa Snart. Lenoard Snart died because Zoom was crossing off everybody who didn't fear him. She was the president of central city. 

A new blue streak has started appearing around central city. Calling himself Zoom Red hood? Last Barry told me he tricked the time wraiths aimed at Zolomon.  It was difficult while facing the earth 1 countetpart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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