Chapter 14 - Madalyn & Emanuel & Selina vs. Ben & Shannon & Robert Part 1

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

The six of us were transported to the Colour Dimension and got ready for the battle.

Ben & Shannon & Robert: Doom card set!

The three of them each threw down their own doom card. The three cards pierced through the floor as a purple shockwave soared across the floor of the battlefield. We each threw down one of our game cards, landing on opposite sides of each other. The cards glowed and grew 30 times bigger in size. Everyone was giving each other dirty looks as the game cards were set.

Madalyn: Is this a battle or a staring contest?!

Ben: Very well, allow me to go first. Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben launched in his first Insecticon card in to the battlefield, landing on his game card. The photo on the card was a red scorpion.

Ben: Chopshop! Transform!

The card glowed and Chopshop crawled out of the card and transformed into his robot mode.

Selina: I'm going in!--

Madalyn: Hey! Are you ready for me?

Selina: What?! Let me take him on!

Madalyn: Are you sure Selina?

Selina: I know I can beat him!

Emanuel: Predacons! Terrorize!

Madalyn & Selina: What?!

Emanuel launched in his first Predacon into the battlefield, landing on Bens game card. The photo on the card was a dark magenta lion with red and gold highlights.

Emanuel: Razorclaw! Transform!

The card glowed and the lion leapt out of the card. It let out a loud roar as it transformed into its robot mode, carrying a golden sword in his hand.

Optimus: The three of you must work together or you'll never win this!

Madalyn: Not now Optimus!

Predaking: Emanuel wait!

Ben: Game card open!

The game card was activated and it transformed the battlefield into a arena.

Ben: Cheering battle activate!

All of a sudden, Bens T-Launcher started glowing.

Madalyn: A cheering battle?

Ben: That's right. It allows me to add another Transformer to the battle. And I assure you, it will be a big surprise for all of you. Now who was it that wanted to battle me? Oh yes I remember now. It was Selina.

Selina: What?

Ben: Lucky you, you get to see my very new and special Insecticon. Insecticons! Mobilize!

Ben fired in his second Insecticon card into the battlefield, landing on the cheering battle game card. The photo on the card was a yellow and black bumblebee.

Ben: The photo is true to its name, Bumblebee! Transform!

Selina: Bumblebee?!

The card glowed and Bumblebee flew out of his card and transformed into his robot mode. Instead of his car features, they were replaced with actual Bumblebee wings, antennas, and yellow and black stripped paint job. Me and the others looked up at him in shock, mouths dropped to the floor and eyes widened.

Optimus: I don't believe it!

Emanuel: Huh?!

Madalyn: No way!

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