And I thought it couldnt get any worse

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The bell rang not long after my stuff was all gatherd up. but i was looking forward to my first period it was something called integrated studies. i entered the room i was greeted by a smiling woman "hello" she said with a shrill voice " my name is mrs. Ilean and i will be your IS teacher for this year now if you all will be seated we can comense with the lesson" It took us about 3 minutes to be seated because we were all fighting over who got what seat and who was more inportant. I found a seat in the back row right corner away from the teachers desk and i let them fight it out but we finaly were able to start class.

"ok now that we have figuered out our seats i will give you your group partners" mrs. Ilean explained

as she ran through the list she started looking around the room finding out who was who. I slumped in my seat and thought to myself [i thought it couldent get any worse] she finaly got to my name

" ok Fang Silverman and Lauren Dias"

Lauren walked over to me and i thought [oooooh crap there is no way i am going to survive this one i could not even tell her my name what am i going to do now!"

"so I guess we are stuck as partners" lauren said with a smile on her face as usual

"yeah i bet this is going to be one of my most exiting periods" i responded not making eye contact

"aaaaaaaw look at the love birds" said a blond girl from across the room

"shut up Ryan 1 hes not my boyfriend he is just a nice kid that needs friends and 2 you didnt like it when i made fun of YOUR boyfriend did you?

"oh what ever" Ryan snapped at her

"OOOOOH CLAAAASS if i could please continue with my lesson?" Mrs. Ilean said sounding frustrated

and she continued and what i thought we were going to talk about was things like geography and things like rocks but what we ended up talking about were how diagram sentances wich was boring  and after what felt like 7 hours though when i looked at the clock i found it actualy only took 1 the bell rang and we all bolted toward the door at the same time. and i had to stop at my locker to grab my stuff. when i opend the locker door a note fell out it read [Ive been watching you and i know who you really are and if you make a slip up i will tell everyone.

i had an intake of breath how could this person have known i kept that secret hidden so well but i had something to worry about now.

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