Chapter One *Re-Written*

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A'Tayah Marie Briggs

"Devin, open up it's, Taya." I lightly tapped on my best friends, Devin, window.

I saw his light come on then I watched as he came to his window and open it just enough so that I could slip through.

Since this is like our routine almost every night, Devin pointed sleepily over to a pile of blankets over in a corner by the door. I grabbed a purple comforter and laid down in his bed while he laid in his own comforter.

I turned so that I was facing him and he looked at me. Devin wiped my tear stained face which didn't do anything because I continued to cry.

"Shhh... It's okay, Taya." His voice was soothing and calm. But I knew he was only saying that to calm me down because we both know my situation at home is everything but okay.

"No, it's not, Devin. We both know it will never be okay as long as my dad is here," I sniffed and cried silently while Devin began to rub my back.

"No, everything's going to be okay," He reassured me.

I nodded and said. "Devin, promise me you will never leave me."

He looked at me before smiling and saying. "I promise now go to sleep, Taya."

I smiled and nodded once again before getting comfortable in my cover while he did the same except in his own cover.

"Goodnight, Devin," I said to him.

"Goodnight, Taya," Said Devin.

After he said that he fell into a deep sleep and after a while, I fell asleep too.
I sat quietly in a corner in my living room, listening to my Father yell and hit my Mom in their bedroom. I didn't dare move an inch since I was instructed to sit in the corner while my Father beat on Mama.

I heard everything that was taking place in their bedroom. Dad's fist hitting the side of Moms' face, Mom screaming in pain, everything. I wanted so badly to go in there and help Mom but I couldn't do it. I knew what would happen if I tried because I tried four times already but I just ended up getting beat on so I stayed out of the way.

My dad beats my mom almost every day just because he wants to. Sometimes he uses me as his very own personal punching bag but I'm honestly used to it now.

But, sometimes I need someone to vent to but, since I don't have any close friends I have to keep everything all bottled up inside and I know that's not good.

I used to have a close friend but, sadly, he forgot about me. His name was Devin Gordon. Devin was my best friend up until the day he left for a singing group called The Bomb Digz. They're somewhat famous now but I haven't seen him since he was 10 and now he is 16. So that's six years without my "best friend". And for me six years away from him is very long.

"A'Tayah Marie Briggs, get yo ass in here, Now!" My Dad screamed with pure hatred in his voice.

I stiffened and reluctantly rushed into their room. I prayed that I didn't get beat on today. If so, that'll be my third beating today.

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