Chapter 4: My parents tell me not to brag to those less fortunate.

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After hours of awkward silence, Jayne is the first out of our mentors to grow some balls to talk to us.

"We're here".

"And where is HERE exactly?" Mackenzie spits at her, I grab Mackenzie's hand in an attempt to calm her down. She takes my hand.

"Madam, we're at the airport. I'd kindly like to ask you to get out of the car and make your way towards the jet. Jonathon will collect your luggage," says Sue.

Mackenzie stares at me in disbelief and I simply shrug my shoulders.

I lean forward and say, "Must be a change in attitude...". Mackenzie giggles at my comment and slides out of the limousine giving me a wink before she shuts the door.

As I follow Mackenzie, I'm almost instantly overcome by hot wind and the blazing sun. I quickly grab a floppy hat from one of the carry-on bags. Clearly an item given by St Audrey's Ladies of Royal College.

Jonathon gives me a quick smile and wishes me luck.

I gather my dress and walk towards the jet. Thoughts of my family surface as I look down at the detailed beading of my blue dress. I wonder what Sienna is doing right now... Is she mad? Probably. But for some strange reason, I don't seem to care. In this moment, I'm nervous and way to excited to... embrace this new opportunity.

Forever it's just been Sienna and me against the world. Well, more like Sienna against the world and I'm her four out of ten side kick (six with a good filter). Sienna has always taken the lime light and I want this opportunity to prove to our friends and family that I'm not second best. I love her but it's always hard being second all the time... I'm not envious, I'm just...

"Jealous much?".

I almost snap my neck to see who is talking. It's Mackenzie. She's holding a packet of musk sticks she grabbed from the limousine.

I quickly giggle the nervousness off, hoping Mackenzie doesn't notice my strange change in mood.

"So jealous," I say, rolling my eyes.

Eagerly, I run up what felt like a hundred steps into the cool air of the private jet. As I sit down in one of the eight luxurious recliner chairs, Sue seems to be preparing a few documents in which Mackenzie and I read.

"Now ladies... I mean madams," Sue blushes a bright red, "Jayne and I are to be your mentors for the next two weeks. After the two week orientation at St Aubrey's, life at the college is much like any other school. You will go to your scheduled classes, you will do your homework and assignments and hand them in ON TIME," Sue seriously stressed on the handing in homework on time part, "you will participate in one extracurricular activity, you will share a dorm with two girls and most of all you will, ever Sunday, for no matter how long you stay, you will attend the Princess' brunch with all the other girls who are attending St Aubrey's this year".

Mackenzie asks, "What kind of extracurricular activities are included in the program?".

Jayne answers, "Etiquette at home, horse riding, pottery, cosmetic and style, swimming and many more".

"Hmm..." Mackenzie ponders.

I nod as Jayne hands us a document each. The document basically outlines the rules and policies of the college such as; curfew hour, no boys in girl's dorm and vice versa, no skipping classes and how many days you can have off per semester.

As I quickly scan the rest of what appears to be the unimportant parts of the document I find myself engrossed in the history of the college.

St Aubrey's College was established at the direction of Queen Elizabeth to provide urgently needed royal etiquette in the area of London. An interim Board of Management worked towards the establishment of the college and within a short time land was purchased, the original buildings of three classrooms, a canteen and small office block were constructed, and a meeting was held for prospective students and parents in April 1589.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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