Chapter Thirteen

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“Greg… what? How? Why are you here?” I stumbled trying to ask the right question.

“I thought that since we had been fighting so much for the past several days that it might be helpful for us to see each other. I’ve missed you Anna.” He stood up wrapping his arms around me.

My traitorous arms wrapped around him and I laid my head on his chest.

“I have to leave tomorrow morning though. How will you get home?”

“I’ll go with you to your next city and I’ll catch a flight home Sunday. It’s no big deal. I’d love to see what it is you do while you’re gone all summer anyways.”

As sweet as I wanted this gesture to be I knew two things. One his intentions were nothing but sweet. He wanted to make sure that I was as busy as I claimed to be during my summers. Boy is he in for a surprise. And two, if he hung out till Sunday he was still going to be around for Saturday when I ran the risk of running into Andy. This could be really bad.

“I’d love to stay up and chat babe but I am flat exhausted. Let’s just get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day.”

He smiled and ran his hand across my cheek. I wanted to feel nothing but love and tenderness from his actions but I couldn’t help but be repulsed by them. What is wrong with me? He is my husband, the supposed love of my life. I have to get past this void I feel with Andy or else it is going to ruin my marriage.

As we lay down together I couldn’t help but think about how I was going to come clean about my affair to my husband. I couldn’t do it now but I would have to soon. The sooner I did it the sooner I could find out whether we were going to be able to work through it or whether it was going to be the end of our marriage. What I had done was inexcusable but I didn’t regret it. He was going to be heartbroken no matter what and I was going to have to live with that.

He gave me a kiss and wished me good night but I couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t the person I wanted to be lying next to. I am a horrible person. Here he was coming out to surprise me and try to heal some of the wound our arguing had caused and I could do nothing but want to sleep with the man who I betrayed him with. The hold Andy had over me was fierce.

Our morning went quite well. We joked and caught up as if nothing was wrong. Being around my husband did fell a lot different than it did before Andy. His hand felt differently in mine, his kiss felt alien and his touch made my skin fell tougher that a poor taxidermy job.

About lunch time we found a little mom and pop Greek restaurant around the corner the gas station we had stopped at. The attendant there recommended it to us when we asked what was good to eat in the area. We sat there waiting for our food talking. He didn’t once mention about my work. I don’t know if it was a sore subject he was trying to avoid or whether he was saving it for later.

As we finished he wrapped his arm around my shoulders waiting for the check. I felt nice to be tucked under his arm. I felt save and protected. It helped sooth the hurt I had been feeling from walking away from Andy. I done it to try to save my marriage, I just hope it was going to work.

I was smiling for the first time in days. I don’t know why but it was the first time that I felt like everything was going to be alright.

My phone rang in my pocket and I didn’t even think about it and picked it up.

“Hello.” I chirped.

“You actually picked up. Hi.”

It was Andy. How I longed to hear his voice but it was going to do more damage than good. Thankfully my husband had gotten up to pay the check and was not by my side.

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