Contego: Chapter 3- The Others

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“Woohoo!” Kaye exclaimed just as he threw a left uppercut at Nate, effectively hitting him square in the jaw. Nate quickly scrambled back, flexing his jaw as he did so. He had to admit, Kaye could pack a pretty mean punch. And boy did his jaw hurt like a bitch right now.

But he didn’t have much time to worry about that, he was too busy bouncing back at him, starting the fight once again. They each exchanged blows with each other, but neither seemed to be gaining the advantage. Tired of the mutual state they were in, Nate finally decided to step it up a notch.

Opening his mind, he allowed himself to peer into Kaye’s thoughts. Not his deep, innermost ones, just the immediate ones lurking on the surface; the ones that allowed Nate to see every move Kaye was going to make just before he made it. A split-second before Kaye attempted, Nate saw the roundhouse kick coming from the left, and he quickly blocked it by latching his hand onto his leg, effectively stopping it, mere inches before it was to come into contact with his chest.

Kaye, not having expected this, widened his eyes in surprise, and Nate took this momentary distraction to use that same hand to flip Kaye over onto his back. Before Kaye could recover, Nate jumped on top of him and managed to flip them so that Nate was lying on the sand, holding Kaye in a chokehold.

“And 10!” Tessa began counting enthusiastically.



Kaye began trying to struggle out of Nate’s grasp.




Kaye tried rolling over yet again, but Nate only quickly rolled them back over so that they were in their original position.



“2!” Kaye, desperate, resorted to clawing at Nate’s arms, but the futile effort caused Nate to only laugh.

ONE! AND NATE WINS!” Tessa shouted, announcing the end of the fight.

Quickly, Nate let go, and Kaye rolled away from him so that he was laying on his back on the sand next to him. They were both panting and breathing heavily, but Kaye, considering his most recent defeat, was even more so.

“N-no fair,” Kaye addressed Nate in between gasps.

“What--do you--mean?” Nate asked in a similar state.

“You--” Wheeze. “You used your powers--didn’t you?” Kaye accused, and pointed a glare at Nate as he did so.

Not even bothering to deny this, Nate answered, “Once--and all I did--was read your mind--for half a second.”

“Still--that’s against the rules--you should be disqualified!”

“Oh it’s not like he wasn’t kicking your ass before he did that anyway,” Tessa interrupted in an annoyed voice.

“Figures you’d take his side...” Kaye muttered under his breath, causing Nate to chuckle.

Leaning up so that he was on his elbows, he said, “Sorry, bro, can’t help that she loves me better.”

“Yeah, whatever,” he replied, before sitting up as well.

Nate got up then and held his hand out to Kaye. He looked suspicious at first, glancing from Nate’s open hand to his face and back again. Nate rolled his eyes. Finally, Kaye accepted his friendly gesture and took his hand and allowed Nate to pull him up.

Contego (on hold, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now