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 My father insisted I do volunteer work before becoming the Alpha of his pack or if I chose my grandfathers. He said it would tie me to the community and make me appreciate things more. 

So here I was doing my second and final week at Saint Mary's Hospital. Most of the time I helped pass out food or got books for the patients. I have even assisted a nurse a time or two with changing bed clothes.

Today I checked in on my usual floor and there wasn't much to do so I headed up to the fourth floor,ICU. 

Lisa, the nurse I helped last time was sitting behind the desk reading over some notes when I rounded the corner.

"Got anything for me to do?" I asked her.

"Not right now but maybe you could maybe just help  me carry some things to a room. I need to run a new IV," she stood up and walked towards a cabinet retrieving a bunch of plastic tubes from inside. "You know where the gloves are right?" she asked.

I headed over to the far right wall and grabbed a pair of gloves. My stomach began to turn flips as my wolf went crazy. I walked down the hall being carried by my wolf, not knowing where he was taking us.

As I rounded the corner of the white, barren walls a scent hit me. Not the scent of sickness and death that usually hit me or bleach but the smell of honey and apples. It was faint but there. Like a warm apple pie.

I stopped outside a room the smell so strong that it nearly knocked me over. I knew my mate was inside my wolf was dying to get out. Maybe she was a nurse  or was here visiting her sick relative. The thought of my mate being sad made me sad.

I took a deep breath before walking inside room I123. I slid the glass door closed as I stared at the girl on the bed. It was my mate.Her eyes remained closed as I walked closer to her bed.

The blankets were wrapped tightly around her. Only her head and arms stuck out from under them. She was pale and looked very thin. My heart broke as I touched her face gently. Her blonde hair lay lopsided over her head. It was a wig, I gasped wondering what was wrong with my mate.

"There you are, The nurse entered the room and I remembered I said I'd help her."I wasn't sure if I told you what room number,"

I nodded my head unable to speak as I looked down at my lifeless mate. The nurse handed me a handful of stuff and I hesitantly took them from her.

"Just hand me the lines when I ask for them okay?" she said.

I looked at the items in my hand and seen a small plastic tube in a package. I was sure she could do this by herself but whatever. "Sure," I managed with a mumble.

She looked nervous and as I watched her pull out the needle and tubes from the machines I knew why she needed me here. I was a reassurance. I suddenly wondered why she became a nurse.

"My mother just passed away and I'm having a rough time after seeing her lying in a bed much like this," she explained.

"Why is she here? And I'm sorry about your mother that must have been hard,"

"It was but she's in a better place now. My  mother, much like our young patient here had cancer,"

Cancer? It was then I realized my mate was human.  I should have known before but I was too caught up to notice. Of course, we could get cancer too but it was much rarer.

She put her hand out to me and I handed her the opened package as she put the needle in and secured the plastic tube. Bruises surrounded the area where the tubing was. The yellowing told me she had them for a while.

"Wheres her family?" I asked her.

"Usually, her mother gets her in the evening. Poor girl hasn't woke up since she was transferred over. She's got younger siblings to care for as well,"

"Do you mind  if I sit here and maybe tell her a story?" I asked hoping she wouldn't find it weird.

"I think that would be fine,"

She dried off her hands after washing them before heading towards the sliding glass door.

"Whats her name?" I asked

"Olivia," she smiled at me before heading out the door.

I pulled up a chair next to her bed and looked at her face a few moments. I reached over and fixed her wig as best as I could. Grabbing her hands in mind I began telling her my own version of beauty and the beast.


A few hours had passed and my mind went a mile a minute. What if I took her to see my pack doctor. I wasn't sure what he could do  but seeing her lifeless broke my heart. My wolf raged inside at the thought of our mate dying. 

No, she wouldn't die. Maybe her treatments just wore her out. 

"You're very beautiful Olivia. I can't wait for you to wake up so I can see your eyes," I whispered.

I imagined them being blue or maybe even brown. Her small hand in mine moved in my hand making me jump up. I quickly pushed the button on the bed to get the nurse.

"Yes," came the voice across the speaker.

"I think she may be waking up," I said excitedly.

A few seconds later the door opened and in walked an older woman and Lisa. I stayed in my position holding her hand as they checked  her out.

"Likely reflexes," Lisa said as she frowned down at Olivia.

I lowered my head in defeat, sad that she was just  having some muscle spasms. Once again Olivia squeezed my hands making my head shoot up.

Her body began to shake and the nurse called the doctor as they worked to calm her. I was pushed to the side and my wolf didn't like that very well. I tried to calm him but he pushed harder to the edge.

"Help her," I yelled earning an odd look from Lisa.

The older woman injected something into her IV as Olivia's body calmed down. I moved   to the side of the bed pushing Lisa out of the way.

"It's okay Olivia. You got this. Come back to us," I cooed.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open revealing the deepest blue eyes I'd ever seen. They were beautiful. As she looked around the room her eyes once again fell on me before closing again.

The door flung open revealing a woman carrying a small toddler in her arms. Her face was a mixture of tired confusion as she pushed forward," Whats going on?"

"I think she's waking up," Lisa said.

"My baby," the woman sat the toddler down on the floor as she surrounded the bed. Tears fell down her cheeks and she began to sob.

The doctor came in and after a short briefing from the nurses turned to Olivia's mother,"I'll need to check her vitals but t his is good news,"

I found my wolf was calming at hearing this and I tried to stand back no matter how hard it was. I kept telling myself that it would seem weird. To these people I was just a mere volunteer.

"I'm sorry. Have we met?" The doctor asked me.

"Max is a volunteer here. He was telling her stories when it started," Lisa said.

"Sounds like that really helped. I do have to ask you to leave the room now,"

I didn' budge. There was only so much suppressing I could do when it came to my wolf side.

"No," Olivia whispered as her eyes once again fluttered open.

It seems she wanted me to stay too.

Okay so this chapter is in Max's POV as will be the next one.  Please vote, comment nd enjoy lovelies and gents. Not edited.

If you're confused remember back in The Almighty Alpha when this is disucussed if not it will be less confusing after the next chapter.

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