A creature of night

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I stood on that hill as the cold winter breeze swirled around me. My skinny jeans and hoodie were thin and because of the five hours I had been stood out here in the same spot I should have frozen too death by now. But my kind could stand here for hours and hours in the bitting cold wind, never needing to sit down. My face was slashed with tears, dry now because of the wind. The only trace was a slight gleam. So as I said, I was stood on that hill over looking down at the town I was born in. I looked down at the smal houses, I could see mine from here. Ever since I was little I would come here and watch the people go around. I hadnt been up here since... Since I had been, Changed. I hadnt been to my old home town since, it hurt to be here just now, I could see people I once knew. My mother. Oh my sweet mother. I had been watching her go about her buisness, to the supermarket, the flower shop, to my aunty margerats. She was on her way home now, carying her many bags. She did this every saturday, the same routine. I used to be forced to around with her, oh what I would give to do that small boring routine just one more time now. I misse my mother so much. But she disowned you, she throw you out, she loaths you... A small voice snapped at me from the back of my mind, I pushed it aside but knew it was right. She hated me. She hated what I had become. I understand why though. Im a monster, a creature of the night. Im not the same girl I was all those years ago. I look exactly the same. And will for the rest of eternity, but I have become a monster. A bloodsucker. A murderer in her eyes. A vampire...

My stomach growled at the mentiopn of blood. I wiped away the rest of my tears and went to hunt. I didnt kill my prey, or feed on animals. I fed on humansm but I only took little, I did not want to be a monster, nor did most of the vampires I knew. The odd few I met would kill sometimes, sometimes we can not control out thirst. I hadnt fed in a while, I needed to be careful of my victim. I spotted two men walking in the road, drunk. I could smell theire breath from here. I slided closer, deciding to take them from behind. Suddenly one stopped.

"Oi, olly, looks like we 'ave a visitor!" The fat one called out to the other. Damn, must me real thirsty if im getting caught.

"Alo, 'luv" The fat one said aproaching me.

"Ooo lookie ere jef" The other one said. I sighed, as I read theire thoughts. Rapists.

Im not saying I kill alot, but I have killed quite a few people in the three years ive been a creature of the night. Most of them, like these two. These two deserved to die. I sighed again as they came closer. I wanted them dead, but I didnt want to kill.

"Awwwww she look scared" The fat one said coming closer. I thought that this was the time to speek.

"Look, I dont want too kill you pair of rapists, but im going to anyway." I snarled. The smaller one looked a bit take aback but the fat one came closer. "Kill us eh?" He questioned grinning.

I smiled widely revealing my fangs. He gasped as they gleamed in the moonlight. "Now now, dont be scared" I cooed sinisterly then laughed. "Hmmm, I think your little friend has ditched you" I laughed again as the small one ran for his life. Id catch him later if I was still hungry. The fat one turned around then looked at me in horror. "I....I...Im s...ssory" The man cried.

I looked closer at him and realised he was only a teenager, about 20, same age as me. Well techiquley im 20 now, but I still only look 17. I stared closer at his features, he looked....familiar....

"John!?" I exclaimed, he looked at me in confusion then stepped closer stairing into my eyes.

"Kayley?" He wispered. Shit. I was just about to kill my old best friend. You still need to... The small voice snapped again. But again I knew it was right, I had just revealed what I was to him.

"Kayley!" John screamed then hugged me tight. I stood theire motionless as he clung to me tight. He pulled back then looked at my fangs.

"What are you kayley?" He whispered.

I motioned for my fangs to shrink back into my mouth. "What?" I asked fakeing being confused. He looked back at my mouth were my fangs were just a few moments ago. "Y...y..you were g..going to kile me..." He whispered scared again. "What happened to you kayley?" He asked.

I sighed again "Your a rapist. You deserve to die. Ive missed you john, but everythings changed. I wont kill you, I cant" I whispered then placed my hands on his temples and whispered him into unconciusness. One of the powers we gain, one we need to make our victims forget about us. He would wake up and remember nothing. I layed him down on the path so that someone would find him soon. "Im so sorry" I whispered. Now to find the other one. I flitted my way around the streets trying to catch his scent. It was not long after that I found him panting in an alleyway near a police station. I sweeped over to him.

He looked up in shock at me. No I did not know him. But I was no longer in the mood to kill. I placed my hands on his shakeing temples and did the same thar I did to John. He colapsed to the floor. I motioned my fangs to come out. Running my sharp delicate instruments of deth over his throat I peirced into his skin and drank. When I was done I flitted back through the streets and away from my old hometown. I vowed not to return here again as I ran through the cold empty streets.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*6 hours later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

I was almost coming to central london now, stuck in the shadows of a park. I didnt want to stop, but I felt as if I could sense someone following me. I had for the past two hours. It wasnt a human, I was going to fast for theire sight, but not to fast for a vampires. I turned on my heel and crouched down low behind the bushes. Moments later a tall shadowy figure came to a halt in the middle of the park. He looked around then smelled the air. "Shit" He muttered. I recognized that voice. I stood up and he spun round to face me.

"Kayley" He breathed taking a step closer to me.

"Jake" I sighed as he walked over to me, now only inches away. I looked down as he bough his hand up to my face and brushed my hair behind my ear. He softly took my chin in his hands and he tilted my face up. I stared into his liguid blue eyes. He bent his head down his lips brushing against mine. I couldnt take this any longer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged at his hair presseing my lips against his. Shivers ran through me as joy spread into my vains running through my blood. He licked at my bottom lip as I gained him acces. Electirc vibes hit me everytime his tounge touched mine. This felt good. Right. Normal. I broke the kiss breathing heavily. Although I was not tired, the excitement caused my breath to quicken.

"Kayley... Why did you leave me?" He whispered, then added "Again" I looked up at his sad blue eyes. AsI melted into his arms...


Okayyyy, I hope you liked it. Please comment if you did, or if you have any ideas on what should happen next =)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2010 ⏰

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