Chapter 3

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Victoria's p.o.v

My flight finally landed in San Diego and I was so tired. I couldn't sleep knowing that we were thousands of feet in the air and I was about to meet my father for the very first time. It's a bit nerve racking, to say the least.

I got off the plane and walked into the airport, looking around for my father. Or a Starbucks. Or my father with Starbucks. I adjusted my guitar case on my back and dragged my suitcase behind me as I walked outside. Maybe he's waiting outside for me.

I exited the airport and just sat down on a bench, tapping my Adventure Time Marceline boots together. I averted my eyes around and stared at a tour bus that was in front of me.  It was green with black accents and had a black mustache, kind of like Pringles guy, on the front.


I turned around and shot out of my seat, covering my mouth. Vic Fuentes, stood in front of me, a nervous smile on his face and a bouquet of roses in his hand. He came. He really came. There he was right in front of me, but it felt so unreal. I couldn't believe it.

"Daddy?" I squeaked out.

He smiled and nodded. I put down my guitar case and ran to him. He caught me in his arms and picked me up, holding me close. I hugged his neck and wrapped my legs around his neck, sobbing on his shoulder.

"Shhh, there, there. I'm here, baby girl. Everything is alright," he whispered.

Just hearing him say that made me cry harder. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, a smile on my face. He smiled back and brushed my hair off my face. "I haven't seen you since you were a baby, and now look at you. You're all grown up. You've got your mother's dimples," he said.

I giggled and dried my face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you in the past, but I promise I'll be there for you in the future." If only he knew that he really was there for me in the past. Listening to his voice always calmed me down. I looked at the bus and saw Mike, Tony and Jaime staring at us from the window.

"Your band is watching us," I said.

"Yeah, I know," he chuckled.

He put me down and handed me the bouquet, which I gladly took. Dad grabbed my suitcase and guitar case and we got on the bus. I was immediately scooped up into someone's arms and held close.

"It's my beautiful niece! You've gotten so big since I last saw you!" Mike, the one holding me, yelled. "I'm your favorite uncle in the whole world, and we're going to watch Harry Potter and play drums and have beautiful uncle and niece bonding time!"

Mike put me down and Jaime picked me up and spun me around. "I'm so happy to meet you! You're like a mini Vic Fuentes that we just put in our pocket and you're just so adorable!"

He put me down and I felt my cheeks blush. "Hi, Victoria. It's nice to meet you," Tony said. He gave me a hug and I felt like passing out out of pure joy.

"Victoria, are you tired?" Dad asked me.

I nodded and took his hand. He led me to the bunk area and pointed to the bottom bunk on the left. "You can sleep here. Let me know if you need anything," he told me."

I nodded and slipped onto the bunk. Truthfully, I was deathly exhausted and a nap would be great for me. I closed my eyes and just let my dreams take over.

~Time Lapse~

I felt someone shake my shoulder and looked up, staring at Jaime. "Hey, we brought some McDonald's. Want some?" He asked.

I sat up and rubbed the drowsiness out of my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked, yawning.


I've been asleep all day? My stomach growled and I blushed, hugging my stomach. "Okay," I said. I got out of the bunk and walked out to the front lounge. The bus jerked forward and me being a klutz, I tripped over my own two feet and fell flat on my face.

"Oww," I whimpered.

Jaime helped me out and just carried me. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to fall," Jaime laughed.

I pouted and rested my head on his shoulder. He walked over to the front lounge and sat me down on Dad's lap, who was drinking a Corona.

"Hey, you're awake," he said. "We got McDonald's. You hungry?"

I nodded and he handed me a bag of McDonald's. "Thank you, daddy," I said. I took out a Big Mac and ate out of it.

"I got you a phone. Jaime took the liberty of making you a Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat," Dad said, handing me a Rose Gold IPhone 6s with a Mickey Mouse case wrapped in Harley Quinn ear buds. "I also enrolled you in online school, so you can do homework on the road."

"Thank you," I said. I opened Twitter and saw all the followers I already had. "Why is my username @ptvbabyfuentes, Jaime?"

"Because you're a little baby. I mean, look at you. You're adorable like mini Vic Fuentes who is twice as cuter as REGULAR Vic Fuentes!" He replied.

I giggled and ate my chicken nuggets. McDonald's is food bae #2. Starbucks will always have my heart. "Who are we going on tour with?"

"Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low. We kick of the US leg of the world tour tomorrow, then start up our UK leg in March and April. We won't be home until May," dad explained to me.

I nodded and slurped up my soda. "Does anyone else know about me?" I questioned.

"Danielle knows, because I tell her everything and I love her. Mama and Papa went on a cruise on the Bahamas since it's their anniversary, so I didn't tell them yet. I'm planning on telling the fans tomorrow at the concert."

I nodded and finished up my food. Tomorrow thousands of people would know of my existence. Should I be happy or sad? I wasn't sure now?

"Let's watch a movie. I call Star Wars," Tony interrupted my train of thought.

"No, Harry Potter," Mike objected.

"Star Wars."

"Harry Potter."

"Star Wars!"

"Harry Potter!"

"Star War-"

"How about we just watch Jurassic Park?" I suggested.

Mike and Tony mumbled something under their breaths but I couldn't hear them. I popped CD into the DVD player and just sat on Dad's lap as we watched the movie. Around the middle of it, I dozed off and fell asleep. I felt someone pick me up and tuck me into bed.

"Good night, mija. Sweet dreams," I heard Dad whisper in my ear, kissing the side of my head.

I smiled a bit and just dozed off.

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