Mountain Lungs

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 The zephyr of light,

from the plethora of the luminosity of the sun-

brushes by my crystal skin and enters the pores to

fill me with the spectrum.

 No longer have I the iota of paroxysm flooding down my cheeks for

my gaze flies towards the sky which consists of only one flurry of a cloud.

 From one angle to the other a smile of mine awakes, releases a rainbow of

love and heaves all of the colors in existence to the glass ground.

 They flood back to where they belong as I watch them in pure bliss.

 The dearth of zeal has returned into the world unnoticed-and so when the spectrum of

love hits the ocean she shall welcome back the care that was so sadly missed in the earth.

 I pass by the azure lake that weighs an agglomeration of liters beneath the

dignified mountains that are releasing back to me in terms of a new kinship ready

to be greeted again on earth.

 In the end, you see, this jungle of snares and traps burns up before me and now I may

finally follow the road to euphoria, with the spectrum of the passion sent from the lungs of those

mountains by the azure lake which weighs an agglomeration of liters and the ocean ready to

welcome the missing zeal again.

Mountain LungsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora