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Prince Roberto and I stood bewildered as all of the princes looked at us. 

"What are you guys all staring at? Is there something on my face?" Prince Roberto asks them. 

Prince Keith put his hands on his hips and looked between the two of us. 

"So you two had that kind of relationship, did you?" 

"This is no occasion for childish taunts, Keith." Prince Wilfred says. 

"C-Childish? Me?" Prince Wilfred looked at Prince Keith and sighed in annoyance. Prince Edward smiled, his eyes crinkling happily. 

"Prince Roberto, you look even finer than usual when you are with Miss [Y/N]." he says. 

"Really? Thanks, Ed." Prince Edward nodded, but Prince Joshua was looking as if something pained him. 

"Ridiculous. Losing your head in love will only get in the way of doing your duties as a prince." he says. 

"Whether it is ridiculous or not is not something for other people to judge, Joshua." Prince Wilfred says. 

"Besides, you think this woman could make anyone lose their head?" Prince Keith says. 

Prince Glenn muttered, "They're both adults. They're free to fall in love with whoever they want, aren't they?" 

All at once, the teasing princes all froze. 

Huh? What just happened...? 

"Free, huh..." Prince Roberto says. 

The mood seemed so suddenly dampened that I worried again if there was something wrong with the two of us being dates for the night. 

"What is it? Is it a problem that you're with me?" I ask. 

"Do not trouble yourself, [Y/N]. It's not your fault." Prince Edward says. 

"Glenn, you twit..." Prince Keith says. 

"Huh? What did I do?" 

I had no idea then what had caused the sudden change in the princes' faces. 


The party had ended and we were headed back to Villa Altaria in the state car. Prince Roberto was staring out the window, unusually lost in thought. 

He seems sort of down... Is everything all right? 

I tried to search his face without him noticing, not sure if I should try to speak to him. His eyes looked somehow lonely and he seemed to be thinking seriously about something. 

But I still want to thank him for tonight... 

"Um..." I say.

"Hm?" he reacts. 

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you, Your Highness." Prince Roberto suddenly smiled. 

"That's great." Then his eyes returned to the scenery outside the window. 

Seriously... what happened?

I looked outside the window as well, curious. I could see Prince Roberto reflected in the glass and behind him, an unfamiliar image of myself in a fancy dress. The picture reminded me again of the enormity of what had happened that night: I had attended a party together with a prince. 

It really is amazing... I can still hardly believe it. 

As I gazed mindlessly out the window, I saw a face I recognized and couldn't help speaking out. 

Be My Princess: Prince RobertoWhere stories live. Discover now