Fear OF Them

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I put my phone down and when to took a shower. The cold water runs through my body. This may be my last shower so better enjoy it.


I am all set to go meet Shaz. But my sister stop me.

"Where are you going? Aren't you afraid?"

"Iam going to meet Shaz, don't worry i will be careful" #step


I went out and locked the gate. While waiting for the lift, i heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the wall. It sound like someone or something is growling. I was terrified my the sound ,lucky the lift arrived in time to stop me from making a bad decision.

I stop at level 4 and heading to the sky park. It kinda like a short cut from my block to her block. I run as fast as i can. Something is not right, it's quiet! awfully quiet! I saw someone walking slowly and the end of the sky park. He doesn't look human?! Whatever I quickly ran and finally arrived at Shaz block at last. I quickly press the button and waited for the lift.

I heard someone growling again and it's coming from far behind me , I took a peak look on what was making that sound. It's the guy i saw before from the sky park! He looked dead! Some of his skin are pealed off showing off his flesh. He was sniffing like his trying to find food,He saw me! And now he's running towards me! Fuck I really need to get out of here.

"Come on lift! , Finally Yes!"

I quickly get in and press the close button! Fuck his bloody hands are in between the door! I had to do something otherwise i am DIED! I took my slipper and use it to push his hands away from the door. Shit now my slipper i bought for $11 are now covered with flesh! I took a deep breath and push his hand as hard as i can.

Yes! He is down! I quickly press the close button. I drop at the floor try to catch my breath

"ShitShit Shit!!".

Terror runs through my body, my hands are shaking like hell. The door opens up and Shaz was standing in front. She was crying with fear.

"Shaz are you alright?"

"My family!"

"What happen?"

"They gone crazy!.. they are in the house.. I manage to get out of there and locked the door!, What is going on?!"

She was really terrified, by the looks of her eyes.

I heard someone coming towards us! I told Shaz to get behind me. Shaz was scared! so am I. There are no place to hide and all we would do is just stand there and see whats coming. Shaz was squeezing my arms tightly.

"Shaz!" i shouted softly.

I looked at her, she's crying. Her face full of fear and pain, looking at something. I tried to look on what she is looking, Its her brother!Fuck he has became one of them!

To be continued..

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