My Night Out of the House

69 3 0

(A picture of Ash is to the right!)

I walked through the front door, quietly making my way through the house, past my father who was drunkenly asleep on the couch. I continued my way through the mess of beer bottles and many other things that I didn't care to identify. Throwing my bag on the floor, I fished out my homework and settled down to work. I had gotten through Science and History when a knock on the door made me jump. I heard my father curse then open the door. After a couple minutes of silence I though the person at the door had gone.

"ASH! Get your ass in here!!" I shrunk away from my door in fear before hurriedly making my way to the front room. Seeing the open door with a man there and my father looking quiet happily. I was greeted.

"Ashlynna? You are to pack your stuff and come with me, you have been chosen for training to compete in The Fall games." My breath caught as the man spoke with a deep gruff voice, my first thoughts went to what I would tell Karen. "Once we arrive you will be able to contact whomever you need."

I relaxed slightly before I was ordered to pack my room. Hurrying off I grabbed a couple suit cases and stuffed them full with everything I had in my room. Once I was done, the room was empty of everything but the bed and my dresser, all I had left to think of was The Fall Games. Fear then collided with me, making black spots invade my vision as I made my way back to the front door.

"Goodbye! Behave small one!" My father said, smiling at me, hate clear in his gaze.

I flinched away before smiling at him sadly and walking out the front door to the black vehicle parked in the drive way. The man who greeted me up at my houseopened the cars door for me and took my bag. I sat down blindly, fighting back tears.

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I had fallen asleep for only god knows how long when the door was opened once again for me. I climbed out of the car, my throat and eyes stinging, wanting me to cry. But I was strong, I didn't cry.

"Ma'am?" I looked behind me and was then ushered up the stairs to what seemed to be a massive school with the man following close behind. I was led to dorm number 468. My stuff was left in my room and I was alone. By looking around, I was going to be the only one in the room unless the other person was sleeping on the floor.

I smiled at the thought of getting out of bed and hearing a muffled moan of my roommate being sqishified. A knock at the door made me grumble, all I wanted was to be alone. Walking over to the door I pulled it open.Super. A woman this time was standing there, holding out my cellphone. Apparently I had lost at one point in time. I reached out to grab it, thanked the woman then hurried off and dialed up the number of the person I really needed to talk to.

"Please leave a message after the tone....BEEP!" I cursed Karen for never answering her fuggin phone and left the message.

"Karen you stupid baitch! Answer your damn phone! I have something I really need to tell you and its going to make you cry....." I was cut off as I could here her answer her phone.

"Popsicle!?!?!?!?! Why am I gunna cry? Was it your dad?" She would have continued blabbering on had I not screamed into the phone. "Ow!"

"Well shut up!" We laughed before I turned serious and had to tell her the news. " I'm training for The Fall Games." I heard her gasp then a muffled sob came from the other end. "Karen....."

"No...No! I cant believe this! But your not even 18 yet!" Her sobs became painful for me to hear so I moved the phone away form my ear for a couple of seconds, my eyes stinging,throat burning, and stomach clenching.

"I know...I know." I soothed her as well as I could. But my soothing just made her crys harsher. I could just picture it, her eyes red and puffy, her face spotted with red and her holding onto her chest right where her heart would be, before she threw it down and punched the bed.

"Karen? I need you to be strong for me okay? I know my dad wont, so you need to be for me okay?" My eyes stung even more and I couldn't fight back the tears. I waited.

"Karen? I cant hear you nod...." She laughed through her tears as I spoke softly.

"I'm sorry....I...I..just don't know how...." She said, her sobs making her hard to understand. "Yea...Okay" She gulped some air and I could hear her move, probably sitting up and wiping her eyes.


"Yea Popsicle?"

"Please...For me, just stay strong and if anyone asks where I am, tell them. But you have to stay strong, your my good luck charm Muffin. I will call you when I can. I love you."

"Okay, I Will. I love you to. Good night." I heard her choke back another sob and sniffle into the phone.

"Goodnight." The phone never clicked off, we both fell asleep with it against our ears listening to each other breathe. We used to do this when we where younger, it was comforting, like having her right next to me.



Did you find the word?! If you did leave a comment with the word and the story that you want me to read, comment on, and vote on. If you want I can even critisize it ( I will be nice...dont worry :D ). Once Im done reading I will find your page, leave a good comment there and fan you! I hope you guys did find it. If you didnt find it after reading through the chapter a couple of times, send me a private message and I will give you a hint! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

I hope you all liked this chapter and you all commented and voted!!! I love you all! Please feel free to message me with a new cover, song, or pic! I wil take anything, even if its just  message with words in it I wi still love it! I am hoping to get 200 reads on the story and 20-30 votes...Please help me to reach this goal? In the next chapter there wil be a word hidden in it. Keep a look out for it because it wont be super easy (the word will be out of place in the wont seem right), and the first 10 people to find, and tell me the word Via comment, I will read your story, comment,vote, and fan you!!!!


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