Chapter 4

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After the whole class just watching Zayn and Mrs. Tompkins argue for a few long minutes, we all gave each other looks knowing we knew that this year would not be a fun one between the two standing in the front of the classroom. 

"Let's go pop some popcorn!" Suzy laugh-whispered to me.

"Haha.. It's like never end-"

"Get out of my class, Malik!" Screamed the infuriated Mrs. Tompkins.

"Gladly." Zayn replied. "This class is lame anyway."

He walked out of the classroom, but not before glancing at me as he reached the door.

A tiny burst of happiness erupted inside me. The cute smile he sent me made my sheepishly smile back.

Suzy must have noticed me staring at the empty doorway, because she waved both of her hands in front of my face.

"Charlotte," she began, her voice full of concern, "I know you're not thinking about what I think you're thinking about."

"Umm, yeah... I'm sorry it's just.." I motioned my hands waving towards the door. "C'mon."

"Ohh, I see." She smiles. "Maybe you should talk to him later. I mean you can't stop thinking about him. Plus, you're staring at an empty doorway. He's not there.."

"Yeah, your right! I'll find Zayn after class." I started to imagine how our conversation would go.. If Zayn would talk to me, or if he'd be in a really bad mood. Oh, I sure hope not! I don't think I could handle being rejected. I've never even dated a guy before, so I don't know how it feels.

"Wait.. Aren't you supposed to be helping me stay focused this year.." I half-questioned.

"True. But, I don't think I would be of any help. You can't stop thinking about Zach."

"It's Zayn!" I defended.

"Whoever." She clearly just ignored my loud defensive behavior.

"I just want you to be happy. You haven't had a boyfriend, from what you told me." She playfully winked. "And I just think it's time that you should have somebody who loves you. You know? Well, besides me of course. But personally, I don't necessarily think that Zayn is the best choice, but I've noticed how you stare so hard at him. Maybe you should just see how all that goes."

I thought hard about what she said to me. I was a little taken back from her words, 'You should have somebody who loves you'. I know what she meant, but still. I don't like the fact that I don't have a boyfriend. It's not my fault... It's just my parents don't really want me dating.. yet. Suzy has a great boyfriend; one who is cute, smart, funny, a perfect gentleman, and very polite.. What more could a girl ask for in a guy? But I'm glad she's found the right one... Atleast one of us is lucky.

The bell rang signaling that home room was over. I quickly gathered my belongings and walked out of the room. I knew that we only have five minutes to switch from one class to the next, so I quickly ran past all the slow and talkative students.

After minutes of unsuccessful 'Zayn searching', my legs grew tired after practically skipping throughout the entire school. You'd be amazed how large it is.

"It's no use." I thought to myself.

I checked my phone for the time, and there was less than a minute left. I have Drama next, so I just hope the teacher isn't too strict.

Great. 30 seconds.

"What else can go wrong today!? First was my annoying alarm clock that I wish I could just slam on the floor over and over again. And now, I'm going to be late for class searching for this kid! I just wanna go ho-"

My thoughts were yet again interrupted, only this time it was by a very heavy finger tapping my shoulder..

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