The New Boy

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Chapter 1:

Peyton's POV

Hey, my names Peyton Mabry and I'm on Cheer Athletics Cheetahs. so, try outs were last week and we have the new team. there's this new really cute guy called Matt, Matt Smith I think his name is, anyway yeah he's really cute and he's an amazing cheerleader! At practice I went up to him.

Matts POV

Omg, that really cute girl Peyton came over to me, and started talking to me at practice. we've got a date on Friday night!

Peyton's POV

OMG!!!! Me and Matt are going on a date on Friday night, I'm so happy. I can't wait to tell Jamie! (my best friend).

i went over to Jamie at our water break.

"omg jamie!!"

"yeah" she said

"well you know what really cute guy Matt?" I said to her


"well I'm going on a date with him on Friday night!"

"omg pey! that's amazing! where are you going?"

I think she was happy for me😉

"I think were going bowling and then for a pizza" I replied

"eek! I'm so happy for you!"

Jamie's POV

I'm really happy for my best friend (Peyton), but I can't help but be a bit jealous too. I find Matt quite cute too, but Pey doesn't know.. but I'm happy for her..

Matts POV

It was Friday, 7pm, at the bowling ally, just like we planned. I was so excited to be going on. a date with Peyton Mabry! She walked in through the door, she looked stunning...


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