after school

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I glad we got a new dance teacher because shes nice she thinks of other people's feelings and we did get some breaks in the middle of the class.

Me:i dance a little better now
Mia:i know right this is so much better
Tracey:so my mom said yes i can go but i have to be back before 6:00
Me:o ok i have you back before than
Tracey:wait where are we meeting
Me:we are meeting in the back of the school and then a van is going to pick us up
Me:what do you mean what
Tracey:i mean why are we getting in a van.
Me:dont worrier its just my dad
Tracey:o ok you had me really
me worrier lexi.
Kate:(in the van) COME ON WERE WAITING.
Me:hold on i am coming.
(at the mall)
Sendny:come on people you we have 50 dollars to spent.
Kate:we should go to starbuck
Me:no, let's go to starbucks after we are done shopping.
Sydney:so where should go first.
(walking out the mall)
Tracey: that was so fun, o there's my mom see you later guys

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