Chapter 1

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Tap. Tap.

Eight-year-old Levi Ackerman heard the familiar tap on his bedroom window. It could only be one thing, well, person.

He opened his curtains to see his best friend, Eren Jaeger, throwing little pebbles at the window.

"Hey Eren!" Levi greeted.

"Hi!" The seven-year-old brunet replied.

"What's up?"

"You should come outside!"

"Okay! I'll be out in a minute!"

Levi went to his mother's room to see that she was asleep. He wasn't surprised because she, Kuchel, had to work. She worked every night on the streets to help support herself and her only son. Even though she hated never being able to be with him, she knew that it would be worth it in the end.

"Mom," Levi whispered softly. He didn't get any reply.

He closed the bedroom door quietly and went out the backdoor to play with his friend.

"What do you wanna do?" Eren asked.

Levi hesitated. "I don't know...we could...let's just talk."

"Okay. What do you wanna talk about?"

"Ask me a question."

"Okay. How's your mom?"

Levi was scared to answer because he frankly did not know the answer. "Good, I guess. She works at night, so she gets sleep during the day. The only time I get to see her is in the morning when I get ready for school...but it's summer vacation."

"Oh. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. How are your's?"

"Dad is always out of town doing his 'doctor things,' according to Mama. And Mama, she tries to provide for us the best she can. She has two jobs, so I'm always at the house by myself. I know how to use the microwave, so I guess I'm good."

Levi smiled and laughed a little. "You're silly."
"You can't do this!" Kuchel screamed.
One of her customers handcuffed her to his bed. "You said you will do anything."

Kuchel gulped. "Levi," was the last word she whispered quietly to no one.
Tap. Tap.

Eren did not get a reply from his friend. He tried again, but still no reply.

He went to the front door and knocked. One minute passed and he knocked again. Nothing.
He walked in with no hesitation and called out, "Levi?" Eren went upstairs to Levi's room and peaked in. He saw Levi curled up in his bed shaking. "Levi?" he said again. "Eren," he replied weakly.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Eren stepped in and went up to his friend's bed. "What's wrong, Levi?"

Levi sniffed and let out a small sob. "Mom...she's dead."

Eren couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay."

Eren paused. "Who's going to take care of you?"

Levi cleared his throat. "My uncle Kenny."

"You don't have to worry about anything, Levi. You're my best friend, and I promise to be that until the day I die. I pinky promise." Eren held out his pinky finger waiting for a response.

After a while, Levi moved his hand from the blankets and locked his pinky with the brunet's. He said with a small smile, "Deal."
That was the last day Eren saw Levi smile.

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