Chapter 1: New Beginnig

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20 Years Later: Earth

“Where are you going tonight, Maddi?”

“No where. After this I’m going back home and going to bed.”

“Great, then we can go to a party.”

“Can’t we go tomorrow? I don’t have anything to wear.”

“No. This is going to be a surprised birthday party for you, even though I just told you what we are doing. Man I'm a dumbass”

“No! You guys promise you wouldn’t throw me a birthday party this year, Gabi.” 

“I know but we just had to. You know how Kendra is about birthday parties. She loves to plan them especially for you because you hate having them.” explained Gabi.

“Ok, but what exactly what am I goin’ to wear. You know I only have work clothes and sweats in my closet.” said Maddi.

“Oh, we already planned that too.”

Then Gabi bent over the counter and retrieved a big black box and several small ones all wrapped up in pretty blue wrapping paper. She told me to open them so I did. Inside the big one was a pair of skinny jeans with slits running from mid-thigh down to the calf. Underneath it was a blue tank with gems formed like a heart at the top-left corner. She then grabbed one of the two smaller ones. She opened it up to find two inch heels that strapped up the ankle. In the next box was a pair of hoop earrings that were the perfect size. Not too big and not too small. The last box contained a black rose necklace just like her birth mark.

“Ahhh. Thank you, Gabi. This is the best birthday present I have ever got from anybody.” cried Maddi.

“Oh. Your welcome, but who you should really thank Kendra. She got you the present. I just helped wrap them. Now go into the bathroom and change so we can have some fun tonight.”

“Ok. Be back in a minute.” She ran to the bathroom and started to change when she heard a noise coming from the window. She opened the curtain to find a man staring out of the window.

“GABI!!!” yelled Maddi. Gabi came running in and asked her what was wrong.

“There is a man starring at me outside the window. Come look.”

 “Maddi, calm down. No one can look at you through the window because where on the fourth floor.” As she says that she goes over to the window and looks out the window for herself and screams. She shuts the curtain and turns toward Maddi.

“There’s a man outside. What should we do? I know, first we should start to calm down and maybe call the police. Then we should go hide. Oh my god I don’t want to die. I’m too young I still need to find mister right and…” she didn’t get to say anything else because Maddi had slapped her.

“You need to calm down we are going to fine. I’ll open the window and see if he needs help. Maybe he fell and needs help getting back up. Anyway he looks familiar to me. I think I know him.” She walks over to the window and opens the curtain but just as she is about to open the window she realizes that nobody is there.

“What the hell! Ok, I know somebody was there ‘cause you saw him and freaked out over it.”

“Maddiline was this some joke so you wouldn’t have to go to s party? Because if it was then it was a terrible joke and you shouldn’t do that to your best friend.”

“I didn’t do it. I’m serious! You saw him.”

“Ok. Whatever let’s get going. We are going to be late for your party and you know Kendra will be pissed if we’re late.”

“OK.” I went to my room and finished getting dressed then we left and went to the party where Kendra was waiting for us.

“Where the hell was you guys? I have been waiting for you for twenty minutes.” Asked Kendra

“I’m sorry Kendra but Ms. Hateful over there wanted to be mean and scare the crap out of me.” justified Gabbi.

“I didn’t do it! There was a man there and you saw him. I didn’t hire him to scare you.”

“Ok. Calm down I was just telling Kendra what happened. No reason to act so innocent.”

“Whatever. Can we just get this thing over with?” asked Maddi

“Hey now you only turn twenty-one once! Geez. It the time of drinking and partying and you don’t even want it to happen. Why?” questioned Kendra.

“I don’t know why, it’s just each year that get older I get this weird feeling of dread and this year is worse.”

“Wow, that’s messed up. Have you ever told anyone about this?” inquired Gabbi.

“Well I tried once. The shrink thought I was depressed and that a bunch of drugs would help. I stopped seeing him and didn’t tell anyone else. I didn't want other people to start to think I'm weird and get harressed by them."

"I'm sorry honey. Lets stop thinking about all this and get down to the partying and have some fun. It is only once that you turn the big 2 1. So lets celebrate." said Kendra

I let my two best friends pull me out into the crowd and dance, even though all throught the night i felt that dread grow more that it ever has.


Well this is my first book and i hope you like it. Im going to try to upload the next chapter soon. Please write any comments that can make the book better. Thank you:)

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