Chapter 1: Return to Waterfall and a Mission

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Naruto was now on his return trip to Konoha and Jiraiya figured it would take them around six months before they would return to Konoha. They had kept a fairly low profile for the last couple years. Naruto had known that he had grown over the past two years and at age fifteen he was a 'strapping youth', at least according to Jiraiya.

"So where to next, Ero-Sennin?" Naruto asked.

Jiraiya chuckled, making Naruto worried that he was going to go on a 'peeking' binge. "Naruto, my boy, we are going to a place that defies the imagination. Where there are beautiful woman and co-ed baths," he stated with too much enthusiasm for Naruto's tastes.

Naruto just rolled his eyes, "How is you chasing after women going to help me with my training?" he asked.

Jiraiya clapped his hands, as he then rubbed them together, and grinned manically. "My boy, we are going to make you a man," he enthusiastically replied.

Naruto gave the old pervert a confused look. "We are going to find you a girl to make you forget about that pink haired one back in Konoha, for a little bit anyways. I also need to do some actual research. We are going to be looking for the jinchuuriki of Waterfall," he explained.

Naruto wore a smile across his face. "I've been to Waterfall before. We helped protect the 'Hero's water'," he explained, and then his look then turned sour. "Why would I want to forget Sakura-chan?" he asked.

Jiraiya gave Naruto a warm smile the put his arm over Naruto's shoulder, "Naruto, be honest with me. What are the chances you and her are ever going to get together?" he asked the sadness evident in his voice.

Naruto look surprised up at Jiraiya, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jiraiya looked up and smiled, "You know, there is one woman in the world that I've ever loved. She only sees me as an idiot. I don't want you to make the same mistake. There are other women out there, you know?" he queried.

Naruto looked up at Jiraiya, sadness evident in his eyes, "So does Baa-chan know?"

Jiraiya was shocked, and asked, "How did you know it was her?"

Naruto smirked at the question. "You, like me, let yourself be hit. It makes them feel better," he explained.

Jiraiya chuckled at his student, if he only knew. "You're right, but there is more to it than that. If you ever tell her I told you this, not even your three tailed state will help you. Both she and I would kill you to keep it secret," he said.

Naruto became excited, and asked, "Really? What happened?"

"She had a child, but it was during the war we… I mean she had to give him up," Jiraiya said, as Naruto read the sadness in his eyes.

"He was your son too, wasn't he?" Naruto asked.

Jiraiya nodded, as a tear rolled down his face, "I don't talk much about it, as it is too painful, and the reason why I want you to learn that there are other women out there. I learned it too late in life, she loved me, but not in that way, Naruto. Do you understand? Sakura, will not get past your ignorance and personality quirks. Hime and I spent one night together. It was more of a trial, and it didn't work out. I've longed for her ever since, eventually she found another and I found that I could only satisfy my need for attention with being with other women. You're a special case, you're a jinchuuriki and the village has not treated you kindly," Jiraiya admitted sadly, as Naruto scowled. "Even so, you have persevered. I'm proud of you, Naruto. You're like the Fourth in a lot of ways and well on your way to becoming a great Hokage," he admitted.

Naruto blushed at the compliment. "Thanks Ero-Sennin," he said thanking him.

Naruto and Jiraiya became aware of several other presences, Jiraiya looked at Naruto, as he then smirked, "Good, you felt them. How many?" he asked.

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