Silence is key

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Silence is key


All I remember is silence

With words of true and thoughts of defiance 

To have a moment wished by

With everything you’ve come to know tied with a lie

I felt like crying

The tightness in my chest only binding

To the truth that I was denying

Was I truly blinded?

When will I find it?

The voice inside me

The voice that cries silent!

I sat in his car

With cares much too far

To see what trouble will ali

To hear such a surprise

My hearted pounded

For this I swear

This does not leave and yes I do care

I care for him

To him more than friend

I was going to tell to tell him then

But then my world stop

Then my dreamed did end


Three words dose end my heart

Three word that ended before it could start

I sat in silence that lasted the day

I sat to quite no words could I say

With total shock

And total despair

Pained on with a dead glare


The days moved on and I could see

See what fool, what fool was me

I was not sad

Angry or mad

In truth I was happy

Happy and glad

I know it sounds strange

I must sound like a tool

Be he trusted me

Only me and not you


Those three words

Changed be for better

With heart light as feather

Our friendship still strong

Our friendship forever


He still comes over

To have chips and dips

From movie nights

To forcing through chick flicks

He’s still the same

Stories still we say

I guess in all it doesn’t matter

Matter that he’s gay.

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