Ask 37!

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"""So UF sans why don't you tell blue your feelings or do u think error likes blue OR BLUE DOESN'T LIKE YOU AT ALL LIKE THAT AND HE LIKES ERROR"""

Uf! Sans: *face turns a bright shade of red as Blueberry is chatting with Terezi* W-what even is t-that colour l-loving idiot d-doing here?

// *Shrugs* I'm asking the same question.

Error! Sans: *pops out of nowhere* I heard my name?

Blueberry: *smiles and waves at Error* *goes to hug Error* Welcome!

Uf! Sans: *narrows eye sockets and turns a deepee shade of red and storms up to Blueberry's room*

Error! Sans: *glitches a bit* Where is that one going? *has an unamused face*

Blueberry: *shrugs and let's go, talking to Terezi again*

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