Chapter Two

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I waited at the end of the hall, checking my wristwatch every five minutes as I stayed for the other. School had ended ten minutes ago and to avoid swimming in a river of evacuating students, I stood impatiently at the side, continuously tapping my foot. Ugh! Can't he just like, hurry up?! It's not a crime to be punctual, you know!

Looking around, I caught a few glimpses of my environment here and there, finding some kids who sat on the wooden benches situated by the entrance slash exit, plus at the far end, as they waited for their parents while they spoke to each other in hushed voices, a few of them listening to music loud enough for me to hear, and must I say – They have AWFUL taste – Others fiddling with their mobile phones anxiously.

Thankfully, I had informed my over-protective mother that I was going to return late because of the task Mr. Y had assigned me. All she said in return was, “I'm proud of you.” Why? I have no idea. I felt guilty, though. My dad was almost never around; he was always on his business trips. I had no other sibling, which is why she ended up being lonely, and I didn't want that!

I made a mental note of hurrying up. 

Finally, the noise died down when my eyes fixed on the child-like expression of none other than my new pal. I waved energetically, “Yo!” I called, plastering a silly grin on my face. “Hi, Jonghyun,” he greeted in a voice quieter in comparison to mine. Nevertheless, I liked it. It was nice to listen to.

“Let's begin the tour now, shall we?” 

Receiving only a bashful nod as a response, I began leading him around. From the children's playground to the gym to the Science Labs – I was out of breath from ascending and descending those millions of stairs, plus my mouth was getting dry from all that speaking. “Um,” I spoke, scratching the back of my neck. “What else would you like to see?” I could really, really use a juice box right about now.

“You...have an auditorium, right?” What's up with him and an auditorium?


“I want to see that. We didn't have an auditorium back at my school, but an assembly ground.” Junhong admitted, his head dropping. Biting my thumbnail, I was aware that I mustn't let this darling person down, so I placed my palm on the other's wrist and smiled, “Don't worry about it, we shall go see that.” 

Mr. Y always taught us to keep others happy, and to attempt to fulfill what ever their heart desired. It is only human, he once said, that we love one another. We will be more Blessed, that way.

Remembering his words, I hauled him towards the large room without any hesitance. It had dark, chocolatey brown walls which matched the color of Junhong's eyes. Red, very comfortable seats, about two thousand of them, neatly arranged, facing the stage. 

It was kind of like a theatre, except a podium in the place of a screen. Junhong rushed down the stairs, “Be careful!” I shouted, gritting my teeth with fear. He honestly can't bring himself to break something on his first day! But, I was glad he was finally coming out of his shell to reveal the beautiful person he really was.

“This is so cool,” Junhong said to himself, low enough as if he were speaking to himself and himself only, not wanting me to listen. Little does he know, I have a superb hearing (sometimes) and caught on. How cute.

The excited blonde felt the soft, velvety texture of the covers on the seats, then sitting down on one, gesturing for yours truly to join him. Accepting the invitation, I did.

“I'm guessing you're anticipating our first assembly.”

“As long as I get to sit here, I'd anticipate anything,” he responded honestly, leaning back in his chair whilst folding his arms over his chest. I laughed.

For a while, we just sat there, talking about the littlest things and the dumbest of topics, like, why marshmallows are so puffy and how they get them to be that way, or how they got the idea of jelly beans. “Maybe the guy got tired of eating regular beans and tried getting away with it by –”

“That doesn't make sense, Jonghyun.”

“Call me Changjo. And I know.”

The both of us laughed, laughing like we had never laughed before. It was amazing. I haven't had a good one in a while and I had faith that this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship. Unfortunately, it didn't stay amazing for long, when the door creaked opened and I found it to be none other than...

Lee Chanhee.

Lee Chanhee also went by the name, ‘Chunji,’ which means to have a voice which covers the Heavens and the Earth. (I'd never heard him sing to be the judge of that.)

Junhong stood up alarmed, but I poked his side, still sitting, watching the dimly-lit set in front of me. “Sit down, it's just Chunji.” I shrugged. What was he freaking out about? Chunji was as harmless as a lost puppy.

“I should...really get going.”

“Yeah, you should,” Chunji hissed, crossing his arms. “I heard that the both of you lovebirds might be here enjoying your little date.”

Wait, what? Date? Oh, NO he didn't! 

“What is your problem?” I growled back, standing to face him, my jaw clenched. “He's new, and what you've said is utter bullshit.” 

“No swearing, Choi Jonghyun,” Chunji snapped, apparently ignoring what I said before, grabbing Junhong by his shirt and pulling him up to him before pushing him out. “And stay out, you little pest.”

At this point, I was really, really enraged. “That's no way to treat a –”

“Traitor? Don't speak to him, Choi Jonghyun. I'm warning you.” 

Rolling my eyes, vexed, I pushed past him to follow the younger and eventually caught up, “Ignore that guy, he's psycho.” He ignores me for the entire summer and BAM! Suddenly, he's on my case. What I'd do to push him off a cliff and into a pit of fire. 

Letting out a nervous laugh, Junhong nodded once, “... Yeah.”

“Why don't you hang out with my friends and I, Junhong? It'll be nice to have you around.” I offered (my voice merely a whisper) because I thought I should. No one has a right to decide who I befriend and who I don't, especially Chanhee.

“Maybe I should.”

And so, Junhong went with me over to my house where Niel and L.Joe awaited his company.

But what he didn't know was that, Chunji had been eavesdropping the entire time.

 I mean, it was obvious, wasn't it?

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