4)Melting point

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I changed into a soft knee length white dress. I then added my red hooded cape for an extra balance of red color, plus it was warm and a gift from undertaker. "Hey when are you going to start reading me?" The book asked me in its sassy female tone. "When I feel like I'm ready enough to read you." "Fine, but I'm getting bored." "For a book you're rather vocal." "And for a little girl, you're quite a nuisance." I twitched slightly. "I'm not little, and I could easily lock you in the closet."

"You wouldn't dare!" I opened the closet door to make a point. "Okay fine you win!" I huffed in victory and picked up the book. "I don't want to open you and make a mess of things, I'm still learning after all." "Very well, I can respect that." I gently sat on the bed and placed her on my lap.

"So do you have a name?" "A name? No I lost that long ago," Her voice went really quiet. "But my name's not important anymore."

"We should go meet Undertaker now." I picked her up and walked out to him. "Are you ready for your next task Little Red?" "Y-yeah." "Light all 10 candles at once." I took a deep breath and chanted the spell. Only one candle lit, which he blew out. "Really?!" "I said all 10 at once, not one at a time." I huffed and tried again. Only one lit again, causing him to blow it out again. At this point I'm going to light him on fire if he doesn't stop it. I say the spell again and only two light, which he blows out.

"You know what, I give up!!" I yell flinging my arms down. Suddenly all 10 candles flickered with a flame. "See
wasn't to hard now was it?" I looked up at him. "Some of your magic is emotionally tied." "So if I'm not angry I can't catch things on fire?" "Exactly." He patted my head. "Why don't you go memorize the first three spells in your book." I nodded happily and took her to my room.

"Are you going to finally open me?" "Yeah I am." I opened the book dust flying out. "Sorry, I haven't be opened in a while." I glanced at thefirst three spells that were fairly simple and memorized them.

Maybe there's a chance for me just yet.
Chibi:hey guys, so this is one of the stories i have so major writer's block on, maybe it will pass soon idk but i hope you enjoyed~ chibi out

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