Chapter one: God of good looks and causing others pain.

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Moving from place to place and school to school because your ex boyfriend is a crazy ass caveman isn't easy. You make friends and leave friends. For the fourth time this year I walk into my new schools front office. A lady with tan skin and brown eyes and hair looks up and smiles, "welcome to stepping stones high school." "Good morning, I'm Lisa Hemings and I'm hear to get my schedule." She hands me a small slip of paper before turning around in her office Chair and grabbing the newly printed lunch menus handing me one she smiles and says good bye. I walk out into the clustered hallways and exactly two seconds later I run into something really hard and really tall. I look up from my place on the ground into the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. "S...sorry." "Next time save your stupid apology from someone who actually gives a damn" he mumbles. "Excuse me?!" I practically shout at his absolutely stunning face. "If you would get your dick out of your face and stop gawking at it maybe you would see that you ran into me." I narrow my eyes and glare at him. Who the hell does he think he is telling me off like that. Just great, so much for going unnoticed and not making any friends that I would only lose. Judging by the size of the group of students watching this unravel I'm guessing this is the first time someone has balk talked to the asshole. But never the less because I'm a girl and I have hormones that attract me to men, i can't help but admit that he is the god of good looks and for that matter causing others pain. "Your sexy when your mad." He emphasized the word 'sexy'. "While your busy being an  asshole playing jerk, I'll be standing over here doing this" I lifted my middle finger up. He chuckled "I like feisty." "And I don't like assholes." I walked away from the drama and down a hall I didn't know where it took me, for all I know I could be walking myself through the gates of hell. Knowing I had no idea where I was headed I kept walking and didn't look back fearing that if I did I would regret it.  I walked until I heard the same voice that just finished insulting be not long ago, "get your ass over here." "How bout leave me the hell alone!" "If i did that then your crazy ass ex would probably kill you, and that means we would never have the chance to be a thing." "How the hell do k...know a...about him?" "I have my sources." "You probably have a fucking video camera in my shower too, am I right?!" "No but that's not a bad idea." "All you are is a annoying, dick admiring bastard!" "Wow there princess I'll admit to being annoying and sometimes a bastard, but I'm totally straight." " Oh trust me I don't question your sexuality, what I do question is your cocky personality." He turned around and walked over to a group of tall boys he turned around and waved, inside my heart was soaring  and i felt my cheeks turn a shade of red. I quickly turn away and find a school map of the school, it points left so I start heading that way. Without anymore encounters with other students I safely make it to my first class, I.T. I sat in a desk towards the very middle of the class only because it was the only decent desk open. The desk next to me was open as well and someone say down next to me that some one happened to be the giant that I had a not so good I counted with this morning. "Hey beautiful." "Don't think so damn highly of yourself." "I'm talking to you princess." He smiled at me and winked. Gross. The rest of class went well and finished quickly. I jumped out of my seat when the bell rang and scurried towards the door about to step out a hand grabbed my wrist. Oh Just great. I knew it was him when he got close and I could smell his cologne. He tugged me along until we were in a room filled with mops and other cleanings supply's. "What the actual fuck jerk face?!" "Language princess." "You just Kidnapped me and you expect me to watch my fucking language!?" "Yes, yes I do. My name is Cole smith." Well that was unexpected, I really didn't think he would decide to tell me his name. "Lisa Hemings." I actually smiled and but my hand out in an attempt for him to shake it. Apparently he had other plans. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him smashing his lips with mine making a smile spread across my face. I had actually wanted this all day, and now I finally got it. I may not have ever kissed before but i was fine with him being my first kiss. My innocence might be gone but my purity wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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