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NEW!!!! SHE PUBLISHED THIS!! Go find it on Amazon and read it! If you are a kindle unlimited subscriber you can read it for free.  If you had already read it, I promise you it is different. A  lot of editing and re-writes went into this. Took Janie1617 forever (Hahaha) but it is worth it!!  (Plus I am still proud of this oneshot and it still ties in :) ) 

This is a ONE SHOT, I own/ have rights to NOTHING in this story! All character, settings, and epicness belongs to Janie1617. My chapter starts from her chapter 4 to her chapter 30 of book 1. I used two nameless characters as my basis. . . this is (my version of)  their story, and what happened to them.

Chloe turned to look back at the blonde stranger with the changing green eyes as her Uncle closed the door. She would've sworn his eyes were jade, but at her last look to him they were emerald. Her Uncle approached her slowly with his arms open, his brown eyes misty with tears. Chloe just stared at him for a moment. She had never seen her uncle in any manor other than perfect. Now, his shirt was sweat stained, his gray hair hung around his eyes and ears, and his face was covered in hair instead of being clean shaven.

"Chloe dear, are you ok?" He asked in a calm manor as he kept approaching. She nodded yes in response, too shaken from the zombies attacking the car she was stuck in, and her rescue to speak. He rushed to her then and embraced her tight in his arms, still holding the baseball bat he held when he opened the door for her and her savior. "God, I am so happy to see you. The man who dropped you off. . . he promised to bring some supplies to last us a bit longer, you bringing him here saved us. We are starving."

Chloe pulled away from her uncle and took a step back. She couldn't control the tremble in her limbs.  She took in the large living room completely boarded up with the rest of the house. The only lights that were on were dim reading lamps that cast eerie shadows and a dim glow on the walls. "Uncle Mark," she took a deep breath to try and hold in the tears and panic, "is Brian- is my brother here?"

Her uncle nodded, and as Brian opened the office door connecting the living room and office her uncle gripped the bat tighter and stepped in between Brian and Chloe. Chloe looked at her little brother, his matching blonde hair was greasy, his hazel eyes glistening with tears as he called to her. He wore clothes too big for him, but he was clean. . . and alive.

"I'm sorry Chloe, I can't let you near him. If you are infected and attack he stands no chance. I need to lock you in the bathroom for a day or two. If you are infected we will know shortly. . . it happens fast. If you are still you in two days you can come out with us."

Chloe cleared her throat and cut her brother off from his protest "I understand. Where do you want me to go? I'd like to lay down." She looked to her little brother and managed a small smile, "I'll be out in a bit Bri. I love ya booger." She made her way into the bathroom where her uncle had set her up with some blankets, a few candles, and a few books to read before he barricaded her in.

"You saved his life Chloe. . . probably even saved mine, from starvation. You're a brave kid. I know you're fine, but I'll pray for you anyways." her Uncle Mark said with his glassy eyes and a small smile. Chloe just nodded, then turned her back from him so he wouldn't see the tears streaming down her face. The lock of the door didn't bother her, but the sound of being barricaded in the bathroom made her situation seem doomed.

After an inmeasurable amount of time, Chloe had heard someone come to the front door and knock. Her bathroom was right off the hall to the front door, so if the house was being attacked she knew she was toast, and her little brother wouldn't stand a chance either. . . . Relief flooded her when she heard her uncle thank the person for the supplies and heard him explain that they had been drastically low. She heard him rambling off a bunch of questions, but didn't hear a reply. . . just the sound of the door closing and being boarded up again.

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