Chapter 9

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"Alright students – why do you think Hermia preferred Lysander sleep elsewhere, rather than with her in the forest?" Mrs. Sawyer asked abruptly, lifting her head from the manuscript. She scanned the room, and even though several students had their hands up, her eyes zeroed in on me, and narrowed. I meekly raised my hand to eye level.

"Yes, Emery?" she asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... these are Shakespearean times, when people waited until marriage to become intimate," I practically whispered. Mrs. Sawyer nodded slightly, nodding at something behind me.

"Mr. Evans?" she asked.

I listened to what he had to say, curious myself. "I think it's because Hermia's just a prude who thinks she's in love, but she's not. I think she's just playing him because she knows it'll piss her father off," he said, and a couple guys smirked.

"Language, Mr. Evans," Mrs. Sawyer corrected. Her eyes were slits. I muttered something under my breath, and apparently I wasn't discreet enough.

"Would you like to add to Mr. Evans' hypothesis, Emery?" her eyebrows lifted, causing her forehead to crinkle, "Please, do share."

I exhaled deeply, hoping I wouldn't regret this. "It isn't Hermia's fault - she's a young adolescent, who's a little hesitant taking her 5th layer of clothing off in front of a man that isn't thinking with his heart, rather his testosterone," I stated, sitting a little straighter in my desk. Mrs. Sawyer raised her chin and a creepy looking smile grew on her lips.

"What was that?" Fox whispered in my ear.

I turned around. "That was me defending my gender, Mr. Evans, too many big words for you?" I asked innocently.

He smiled teasingly, "Are you speaking from experience, Emery?"

"What experience?"

"Exactly," he smirked, "You are just like Hermia. Except... she has a significant other."

"And you're just like the ass, the drunken fairies will love you for a night, and then regret it for the rest of their lives," I practically spat, turning back in my seat to face the front. It was eerily silent, and I noticed all the eyes were on me.

"No, no, keep going," Mrs. Sawyer encouraged wickedly, "It was getting interesting." Shit.

"I do believe, we have a debate taking place," Mrs. Sawyer announced, walking up to the front of the class, "Emery will defend the Shakespearean times, and Fox will speak on behalf of modern society."

I reluctantly sauntered to the front of the room to the right side of Mrs. Sawyer's desk, and tried to calm my flaming cheeks. The things I do for good grades... I hope the woman is happy after this. "So, in less than 10 words, please defend the overall trend behind your time frame," Mrs. Sawyer said, taking a seat on Fox's desktop.

"Morals, self-respect, and religious beliefs," I said, staring at my feet.

"Fun," Fox said, and when everyone smirked and Mrs. S gave him a disapproving look he added, "Living in the moment and screwing everyone else."

"Mr. Evans!" Mrs. Sawyer scolded, crossing her legs beneath her navy pencil skirt. By 'screwing everyone else' he meant forgetting about their opinions... right? I smirked, and met the professor's gaze.

"So Emery, tell us all about these morals. How do they apply to Hermia, and her actions that night in the forest towards Lysander?" she asked, cocking her head. She was having too much fun with this. So is Fox, I concluded after sending a quick glance in his direction.

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