Chapter 10

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"We're studying today. No matter what," he whispered to my right side as I shut my locker that Tuesday afternoon. We hadn't had the chance to study yesterday. I sighed and nodded, dreading Red Cross. That was a first, because I'd always loved it there. The RCC was my haven... and now with Nina acting weird and Fox and I having to do more maintenance than anything else... it was just different.

"What if Nina makes us clean again? And post more signs?" I asked, causing him to turn around and walk back to me.

"I'll snap if she does, because we've cleaned every inch of that building. And I've seen those Blood Drive signs plastered on every other, if not every, damn building in town... there's nothing left for her to whine about," he stated. And thus concluded the conversation. I could feel him watching me watching Teresa and her gang of girls as they snarled at me. My eyes tore away from them as soon as I felt a strong arm wrap around my neck and pull me forward. I looked up, my chin resting against the soft white material of Fox's dress shirt. In that moment I wished guys didn't smell so good.

His cologne paralyzed me, and it took me a moment to regain complete consciousness and take control. My initial reaction was to shove him away, but he saw that coming. He pressed me closer to him, and my reflexes stood no chance against his. "Would you mind sharing why you feel the need to suffocate me?" I asked in a sarcastically nice tone.

He smirked and let me go; taking a step back while I glowered at him menacingly. I raised my brow and crossed my arms. "You should've seen the look on their faces," he chuckled, leaning against a locker. Heat rushed to my cheeks as the realization hit me. He hugged me – in the casual friendly manor – to piss the girls off.

"So you did that to make them jealous?" I asked just to confirm.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "They'll hate you, and then they'll ask you to go shopping with them." When I didn't speak he added, "Or they'll ask to visit the convent." I shoved him, or made a pathetic attempt to. He started laughing, and I headed for home to change.


Nina stumbled out of her office, rubbing her temples. "Nina, are you ok?" I asked quietly, stepping toward her, "Is it cramps or something?"

"Uh – yeah, Emery honey I'm so sorry, I've been making you do so much lately. I feel terrible to put so much responsibility on you-" she mumbled, but I jumped right in.

"Nina, it's fine, you're not feeling well. I can take it from here," I assured her.

She nodded, a little unsure. "I hate canceling my appointments, but I won't be able to teach this afternoon's CPR class... I hope it's not too late to call every-"

"Nina, I'll teach the class. It's fine," I told her.

"No hun, you've done enough, I just need a day to get some rest," she sighed. "You should go home and enjoy a little time off."

"I will teach the class, and then I will lock up. It's final, Nina," I laughed, leading her to the front door.

"I don't deserve such an amazing volunteer, Emery," she smiled. Just as she exited the glass doors and took a right, Fox came jogging in from the left.

"Hey, was that Nina that just left?" he breathed, running a hand through his matted hair.

"Yep," I sighed, "She wasn't feeling well."

"Oh," he paused, taking a few gulps of water, "Wait, she left? So we can leave too, right?"

"You can," I stated, "I have to stay to teach a class. And lock up."

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