Ch1- Please?

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“And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue

And I'll know you

Kiss me till you're drunk

And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger

I've got the moves like jagger

I've got the mooooooves... like jagger”

“If it wasn’t so loud in here maybe you could have answered your phone” I stopped dancing to “Move Like Jagger” by Maroon 5, I didn’t noticed my best friend was standing by the door. I blush, probably I was looking like a tomato right now, I didn’t really like people I know watch me dance, they all tell me to dance for them cause I’m a “Genius dancer” I just prefer to dance just for me.

“I’m really sorry Kace, I didn’t hear it” I took my phone an saw 20 missed calls, it was 5pm oh lord, how come the time pass so fast?! “It’s just… I just was…. Yeah you saw me” I mumble.

“Aw, c’mon! Don’t be so shy. Am I you bestfriend, you shouldn’t be so embraced, that’s what you like to do, we all are okay with that and you’re..”

“A Genius dancer, yeah I’ve been told,” I said finally, giggling.

I made my way to my bed and sit down, so did Kace. We did some silly greeting we had since we were little. We have been friends since kindergarten.

“So tell me, How the date gone with Chace?” I ask her trying to show some excitement. But if your friend date 3 guys a week and don’t know whom she like the most, it gets boring. And FYI I’m not the type of girl that gets along too well around guys, well with most of the people, I’m too awkward, that doesn’t mean I don’t have friends, but honestly I don’t even know how I’m still friend with Kace, she’s so beautiful, blonde, big blue eyes, skinny, if you think I'm taller she's not from this planet, and all the boys are behind her, and me otherwise, I’m brunette, tall, deep brown eyes, straight hair, but half of the time is on a ponytail, and I’m skinny just because I dance a lot, I think, cause it’s not normal how much I eat, you would be surprise.

“It was amazing! He’s so cute and handsome and sexy” And that’s when my brain stop listening on what she was saying.

…. After a half and a hour of she telling me all her love problems and me trying to be some help she finally shut up.

“So, I don’t think you just came to talk about me Chace, Sam and Nick, do you?” I rise an eyebrow.

“Nicole Christina Baitman, you know me so well” she smiled suspiciously

“Ugh, don’t call me Christina, you know how much I hate THAT name!” I put a pillow over my head.

“Get over it Chris, your parents called you like that, not me” she took away the pillow and started laughing.

“And I hated them sooooo much for that, so what is it? Need a favor? Homework? Want me to walk your dog?”

“I don’t even had a dog”

“Just guessing, spill it out”

“Well…” She started, I motioned her to keep talking and faster if she could “There is a hmm… type of event on the Starbucks in the Mall of Georgia, everybody is coming, well is kind of exclusive and I have 6 tickets, it’s a type of concert.”

“And who’s concert is this, may I ask?” Uh, I like concerts but I’m not in the mood to be surround by a lot of people right now. This week I just want to stay home and go to school, and dance of course.

“Justin Bieber!” She said while she smiled widely.

“Of course! I see it coming, i don’t know why y bothered to ask, well when is it?” Yeah I’m not very exited for this.

“This afternoon” she jumped

“Ugh, look Kace, I’m not really in the mood of hanging out somewhere today” Better say the truth, than to lie to my bestfriend, it’s kind of a rule for me.

“Seriously you think I’m leaving without you? I’m not taking a NO for answer, you know me better than that, Chris” she stated challenging.

“I’ll go if you stop calling me CHRIS, say it again and my fist is going to meet your face!” I tried to say not so rudely.”

“DEAL! Now get ready, it’s already 4 p.m, the show starts at  6 p.m hurry up! I’ll meet ya at Matt’s he’s driving us” she stood up and grabbed her purse.

“Matt’s going? who else’s coming?” I stood by the door surprised.

“Ugh get over it, Matt likes you, you like Matt, get together, kiss and do whatever you want. Just talk to him gurl, you’re killing him slowly deeply and painfully.” Se said looking up at me ‘cause she was at the middle of the stairs.

“You’re over reacting”

“”I just say that you two get along very well, I don’t get why you turn him down the first time, he’s a nice guy”

“Maybe that’s the problem, he’s so nice, and maybe I’m not ready for a relationship” I shrugged.

“Bullshit, give him a chance. No, wait first see how he treat you, how he look at you, and how he talk to you” she pause for a momento “And then you decide whether or not to have something serious with him” She keep walking exiting my house “SEE YA AT FIVE THIRTY! LOVE YOU”


I should get ready. I have a very strong feeling this afternoon's going to be crazy. But I can't decide if it is in a good or bad way.


First of all, THANK YOU if you read this. I have this idea and I was like I SHOULD WRITE IT. My first language is Spanish but, recently I've been reading a lot of storys here in wattpad and I like it more in english the fan fictions than in Spanish, yup I'm weird. So I'm trying my best to write it the best I could. If there something wrong, I mean grammatically PLEAAAASE tell me. Also it help me to improve my english. I hope you like this story, I really like the idea, and I haven't written anything since a long time ago, is like a fresh starting I guess. Em what else .... hum, this is my first story on wattpad and that's all I guess. I'm really hoping not to drop this story and well I might belate uploading chapters but just because It's in english hahahha (: THANK YOU FOR READING.

Cony. Is kind of short but I'll try to write more. 

HEY ALSO I WANT TO KNOW IF YOU LIKE IT OR HATE IT or whatever you think so far. Because if it's not worth it I should drop it S: i guess.

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