Chapter 4: Philly

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-Simons POV

I shifted a bit then I felt something under my head, I slowly opened my eyes. I moved my head and saw my head rested on 10K's lap. I turned bright red, I moved my head away and saw he was asleep. I saw that he looked uncomfy with his rifle under his chin. I gently grabbed the rifle. Once I barely moved it, he grabbed my wrist and held a knife to me. "What? S-sorry." He pulled the knife away but didn't let go of my wrist. Once he noticed I don't feel fine with it he let go. We just shared glances then looked away. The truck had stopped so I opened the back, everyone sat down. "Fill up everyone, that's the last of our food." Warren stated after giving us each a twinkie. I just placed mine in my bag, I may have not eaten in a few weeks but I didn't care. I looked around and saw Murphy already done with his, he was just licking the wrapper. Next to me, 10K was taking the littlest bites in the world. "Hey, ya gonna finish that?" He asked reaching for 10K's food. He instantly shoved the whole thing his mouth. I giggled and 10K looked at me and smiled with a mouth full of food. I dug through my bag and handed Murphy my food, he looked at it then me then back at it. He grabbed it and stuffed the thing in his mouth. Everyone put there look on me, I shrugged. "Hey, I'm fine with her if it means I get food." Murphy stated, Mack looked through his bag. "Hey, I forgot I had this." He handed me a note pad along with a pin, I smiled and grabbed them. I wrote down: I don't eat a lot, same goes for water. I handed it to Doc and he read over it. "Well, really one less mouth to feed." He handed the pad to Warren and she smiled. "Her first words." I smiled and they handed the pad back. I wrote down: Murphy's an idiot. I handed it back to Doc and he started to laugh all over again. He handed it back and I put it in my bag, Warren soon took stand. "Alright, we need to split, Addy, Mack and you, go get some satellite or some stuff Addy could use to get Citizen Z. Doc, 10K and Cassandra, you go the other way and look around, I'll stick with Murphy." We all agreed and I got together with Mack and Addy. Mack walked before us while Addy walked next to me. "You like 10K don't ya?" She asked, I looked at her confused. I shook my head no. "Suuuuure." She trailed, I sighed and Mack pointed out a police car. "What we gonna do about Mr. Law up front?" I giggled at the name and they came up with a plan. Mack lifted Addy to the top of the car, he opened the door and Addy hit the cop with her spike bat. "I'm gonna go check around, stay safe guys." Mack walked off and Addy sat up front, I walked to the side and sat in the passenger seat. As we were working around with the radio a bang came from the back seat. Addy jumped but I didn't move, I giggled and she hit my shoulder. "Can you get it?" She asked, I nodded and grabbed my dads knife. I opened the sliding door a bit and piked the Z. I shut it then she started talking to Citizen Z. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. Out of no where, Addy's door opened and she was grabbed by two males. I tried to get her but my door opened and a man grabbed me. I hit him a million times trying to get away but he tased my neck and I froze. I closed my eyes and the shock traveled through my body...

I soon opened my eyes, I tried to scream or let out some noise for help but it turned up muffled. I tried to move but I was tied up, a bag was over my head and a gag was in my mouth. Soon the bag was ripped off my head and I looked around, I saw Addy next to me tied up as well. "I'm Tobias Campbell, I'm the father of this family. I know your probably not ready for this but I am sorry. I would be mad if I was tied up and brought here." The man in front of us stated, I curled my hands into fists. After all of his explaining and talking he pulled out a plate of food. "Please little flower, you must be starving." He said putting the plate to my face, I turned away and closed my eyes tightly. He pulled away and called in two girls. "This is Moonshade and Stormy. Girls, please give these girls some new wear." We were untied and pushed out with the girls to a trailer, we were pushed inside.

" We were untied and pushed out with the girls to a trailer, we were pushed inside

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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