Chapter Two.

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"You know, it's really late." I whisper to Draco. He's at the end of my bed with him legs crossed and his chin propped up on his left hand. I'm sitting at the top of my bed, my legs are also crossed. 

"Yeah..."He whispered lazily. "We have to get up tomorrow to go back to Hogwarts..."

"What's worse, being stuck here or there?" I asked. We both know the answer. We sit in silence for a long time it seems.

"Kate," Draco pauses,"I've got a bad feeling about this year."

"So, it's not just me?" I say, relieved. Draco and I were very attuned to each other's feeling. "Let's make a promise, eh?"

"What kind of promise?" Draco looks at me dead in the eyes.

"To always be there for each other- no matter what. Draco, you're my brother and beyond that, my best friend. When all else this year is broken or disrupted, we've got to stick together." He reaches out his hand and I reach out my own.

"I, Draco Malfoy, promise to always be there for my best friend and little sister, no matter the situation or trouble we may find ourselves in."

"I, Kathleen Malfoy, promise to always be there for my best friend and elder brother, no matter the situation or trouble we may find ourselves in."

We shook our hands and then latched our pinkies together, pinky swearing on it too. We laugh a little at our childish moment, but we knew too well that this was an extremely important.

"Are you going to go after that girl this year?" I wink at him, breaking the tension.

"Perhaps." He gives me a sly grin. "Well, sister I'll be seeing bright and early in a few hours. Sleep well." He gets off of my bed. He leans over to kiss my forehead before sneaking out my window to walk across our connected patio into his own room. Once I hear the click from his window latching, I begin to sink into a deep slumber.


"Darling, will you tell your brother I said goodbye and have a good year. Stay out of trouble as best as you can. Write to me every week, please. Do you guys want me too still send you sweets?"

"Mum, relax. It's our fifth year going here. We're fine. Of course I'll write to you. I'll try and get Draco to as well. Um, sure sweets at the end of the week sound okay to you?" I told my mum. Draco had rushed off as soon as we passed through the barrier.

"Alright, thank you dear. I love you and your brother dearly. Good bye now." She turns aways and disappears into the crowd of people. A sad smile plays on my lips. Dad and mum always favored Draco, but that's okay. Draco favored me anyway.

As I got on to the bus, it began to rumble. With everyone fighting to get to the windows, I made my way through the hall with little trouble. I didn't bother to scan the compartments, Draco would be in the back with the rest of the Slytherins. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever Harry, you don't know anything about girls!" A red headed boy laughed, stepping out of a compartment to my right. 

"Hello." I said to him. 

The redhead turned around. "Hi, do I know you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I tell him,"Mistook you for someone else."

"All good, it happens a lot. See around little miss." He tells me as he makes a sharp left into another compartment. 

"Strange..." I think to myself, he looked just like that George Weasley I'd met at the joke shop, well formally met anyway. Within a few minutes I reached the back of the Hogwart Express. Looking into a familiar compartment, I see my elder twin in it. It's our usual one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2011 ⏰

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