B l i n d T o B e a u t y

396 19 2

D I Δ M O N D # 1

B l i n d  t o  b e a u t y.

(C o m p l e t e d)


"What is beautiful anyways? Is it the color of someone's skin or eyes? Their height? The way they dress? What is it?" I asked, not really expecting an answer. "I think beautiful is someone who looks past the exterior and gives people a chance. Someone who tries to understand another. An unselfish being. Someone who doesn't see with their eyes but their heart," he replied playing with the bracelet around his wrist, "That truly is a beautiful thing."

Celeste has been called beautiful all of her life. She is convinced that guys only want to go out with her because that's all they say they like about her. She's beautiful. To graduate Celeste needs thirty-five hours of community service. She decides to answer an ad in the paper for a temporary aide for a blind teenager, Seamoore. With their new found accidental friendship, Seamoore opens Celeste's eyes that seeing isn't just with your eyes.

My P.O.V on Blind To Beauty:

I've truly taken a great interest in Celeste and Seamoore and their bitter-sweet adventures. It caught my attention how Bitter Seamoore was acting in the beginning of the story, and I thought; did he possibly become like that after he turned blind, or was he always like that? I wondered if there will ever be chemistry between the two main characters and if Celeste would change Seamoore or vice versa.

I've felt many emotions take over my system as I read the book, such as anxiety, giddiness, hope and sympathy. This book honestly ranks my top ten favorite Wattpad book. It's a very great book to read while sipping on some delicious hot cocoa on a breezy evening, and luckily, winter season is just around the corner!

Reads; 111 thousand and increasing!

Votes; 3,700 votes and up.

Writer; SomethingTrue (Kaila.)

To the side

Don't Stop Believing by Journey, which is Kaila's favorite song.

Banner of Blind To Beauty made by me (I know it sucks, but at least I tried).

External link would lead you to the book, have fun darlings!

(Please help Kaila win the Watty Awards by reading, voting, and commenting on Blind To Beauty. I'm sure she'd like that.)

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