6. Uncle's Visit

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Also, I wanted to point out that Bates name is pronounced /bæt/ [Bat] since he is French because I had one of my family pronounce it in front of me and he said "Baits".

The Chevalier Manor

"What brings you to visit us, uncle?" Jean asked, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, tracing the rim of the glass with a finger of his other hand. "Is it about Janelle's well-being?"

Julian was sat next to him on the blue leather couch that was found in the grand foyer of the manor. His hair was styled into a bun, as usual, but it seemed messier that time as if he was in a hurry styling his hair.

Julian was silent, letting his brother do the talking. He would rather just sit there and speak his opinion if the situation called for that but he was sure that most of his opinions were shared with his brother so that wasn't a problem. He enjoyed the taste of the wine, though, so he chose to stay with them rather than leave to his chamber. He would prefer drinking with someone rather than alone.

Jean and Julian were both dressed in simple yet exquisite dress shirts and black slacks. Keeping it simple for a visit from their uncle but also elegant and lavish for being the heirs—they considered Julian as an heir as well—of Frédéric.

Bates twirled his glass before gesturing at Jean with it. "Jean, you need to get married." He answered, going straight to the point. What he was wearing was similar to Jean and Julian's attire. A black dress shirt and a pair of black slacks. He was sat opposite to them, laying on the couch as if he owned the place. Well, he did live here before getting married to Agnès Moreau—Chevalier.

He wasn't the heir though, so he had to leave the manor.

Jean spluttered, his eyes widening. He looked at his uncle as if he grew a second head. "Why that all of sudden?" He asked incredulously.

"You need to continue the family line." Was Bates' simple answer, then he took a sip of the wine. "It tastes good, may I ask?"

Jean stayed silent, not understanding the question but he didn't have to think that much as Julian came to his aid. "1996," Julian answered, "Cabernet Sauvignon if you want to know as well."

Bates hummed, taking another sip. "As I was saying, you need to start early, Jean, and give the Chevalier family an heir."

"I am the heir of the family," Jean answered, still trying to wrap his mind around the idea. He put the glass of wine on the table in front of him as to not spill it on the ground.

"You know what I meant, Frédéric is old, might die any moment," Bates started but Julian interrupted.

"Father is forty-eight, how is that old exactly?"

Bates ignored him and continued. "Jean, you need to conceive an heir before actually becoming the lord of the family."


Janelle woke up in the evening, a bit after dinner time. She sat up, stretched her arms, then rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She took a quick glance at the room, finding her clothes strewn across the ground and her closet door was opened. She frowned at that, she didn't remember rummaging through her clothes nor did she remember throwing her clothes on the ground like that. Either she was sleep-walking or someone had entered her room while she slept—and didn't bother to be discrete about it—both thoughts made her shiver. Or maybe it was the cold breeze that entered through the window that did that. That was stupid.

Her bladder, however, didn't let her press into the matter that much; a trip to the bathroom was inevitable at the moment. She jumped off her bed and went into the bathroom connected to her room. Minutes later, she emerged, feeling refreshed and ready to start—rather continue the day.

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