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First of all, I would like to welcome you to my world!

As you now see, I am one of the million youths in the world who love online games.

With the easy access to the internet and cool yet simple gadgets, anyone can be in any world, anytime.

The adage, "A reader lives a thousand lives," also applies with every online game players.

You can be in your dreamworld and be anyone you wish to be anytime. The very essence of online games gives us the existence of many possibilities, and thus, many worlds.

Hunter: The Royale Guardian is rooted in the famous online game Clash Royale, which is also based from yet another much popular online game: the Clash of Clans or COC for short.

The goal of the game is quite simple, though. There are two players in the game, the Red King and the Blue King. The opponent is usually the Red. The first to destroy the three towers (the two crown towers and the King's tower) of the opponent wins the battle. It's that simple! But you also need to be wise in choosing your deck of card troops to be an effective player. Troops cost elixir that continously fills up but is limited only to ten bars, so you must also be wise in picking the right troops to deploy. You level up and unlock new card troops every time you reach a new battle arena. You also earn trophies and gain XPs so you know you are getting stronger. But you must join a clan of friends you know so you will enjoy the game more. You can battle with your clanmates and share fun together.

Winning is everything. But of course, there is no shame in losing. After all, it's just a game.. and you'll learn to battle more effectively if you'll learn in every defeat.

Anyone playing this game will surely relate to this story. But I don't write this story exclusively for the gamers only.

Since this is a fantasy/adventure story in itself, anyone can enjoy the thrills, even if you're not familiar with the basics of the game.

The game is just my inspiration in writing this story... But the story is purely a work of my imagination.

In conclusion, this story is essentially not a game... but a novel.

I have changed the story's genre from fanfic to fantasy.

Well, I will not take you any longer.

Enjoy reading!

I urge every reader to leave a comment, good or bad, especially if you are an online game player, too. I would love to know what you are thinking!

And, oh. Please vote, too. Thanks!

This story is the work of my own imagination. Any similarity to any films, videos, or other stories are purely coincidental as I haven't seen or read anything yet related to Clash Royale or its characters for that matter.

All rights reserved.

Hunter: The Royalé GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now